Soli-Lunar Cycle: Third Quarter Square in Libra/Cancer, October 17

Posted on October 16, 2022
Posted by Kimberly Maxwell

The Third Quarter Square unfolds on October 17 at 10:15 a.m. PDT with the Sun at 14° Libra and the Moon at 24° Cancer. The New Moon of this lunar cycle took place at 2° Libra, signifying the beginning of a quarterly cycle archetypally instilled with a directive to work towards balance in interpersonal relationships. The Moon, now in Cancer, squaring the Libra Sun, narrows our focus to family and those closest to us. Our core relationships often reflect the state of our internal foundation. As we move into this closing “crisis of consciousness” phase of the cycle, we must recognize and take responsibility for imbalances within that contribute to instability without. The Cancer Moon may be highly sensitive and protective when feeling vulnerable so making an effort to be tenderly impartial when observing areas of dysfunction can help us maintain clarity. We might then see some thought form or memory that has led us to self-impose repressive rules to live by. The very act of impartial observing and recognition of undeserved patterns could lead us to compassionately release them as the cycle comes to an end.

The chart for the third quarter square shows the Sun conjunct Venus squaring an opposition between the Moon and Pluto at 26° Capricorn, creating a dynamic cardinal T-square that intensifies the need to delve as deeply as possible to reveal the truth of our nature and motivations. It also highlights the importance of nurturing close relationships and urging us to examine our behaviors that lead to strained relationships. It is possible that some of our plutonic, retrograde-inspired revelations from the last lunar phase can help transform our interpersonal interactions. As ruler of Libra, Venus engaging with the Sun may reflect a sense of grace that eases us through challenging but necessary internal shifts.

As the Sun/Venus conjunction becomes exact at 29° Libra on October 2l, a new cycle commences that may correlate to new ideas forming about our philosophy of beauty, our values and the art of relating. Do we want to attract money or love? Do we need attention to feel love, or need to genuinely connect with others? Even when authentically connecting means revealing our wounds, we can create a poignant beauty that evokes compassion and healing, which draws us closer. The root of humanity’s suffering is the belief we are separate and alone, disconnected from our very soul and the enchanted universal force of love. The highest expressions of beauty and love in any form can stir the often-dormant fire deep within that is able to light our way to connect with the invincible force of Love, the Divine Mystery.

The Sun/Venus conjunction also trines Mars at 24° Gemini, which is slowing down and will turn retrograde on October 30. The Sun/Venus and Mars further trine Saturn in Aquarius, also potent at the degree it will station direct on October 23. This creates a potent grand air trine that may facilitate communication between friends, associates, and business contacts. Air signs archetypally represent the air we all breathe which connects us in this reality. This could mitigate the negative effects of Mars squaring Neptune in Pisces requiring us to be cautious of people giving false information or perpetuating fear-inducing conspiracy theories. While the Sun and Venus’ focus on relationships encourages us to cultivate harmony with one another and enjoy each other’s company, the Mars/Neptune alignment also can lead to heightened imagination, creativity, and artistic ventures.

This week ask yourself: What can I do to relate to others in a harmonious, authentic way?

Astrology Soli-Lunar Cycle third quarter square
Kimberly Maxwell

A student of the Sher Institute since 2008, Kimberly has been writing AstroCast since 2012. A long-time Los Angeles resident, Kimberly gives astrological consultations, has various artistic pursuits including the development of a burgeoning creative hub in her community, and works in international television distribution at a major studio.

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