Soli-Lunar Cycle: First Quarter Square, Scorpio/Taurus, October 31

Posted on October 30, 2022
Posted by Kimberly Maxwell

The First Quarter Square arrives between two eclipses on October 31 with the Sun at 8° Scorpio and the Moon at 8° Aquarius. This Crisis of Action phase of the soli-lunar cycle archetypally correlates to an impulse to act. We may need to face any deep emotions triggered by the Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse of October 25 so we can effectively address them. The Moon in Aquarius challenges us to regard painful feelings from an impersonal perspective so we can more impartially determine the best course of action. With both the Sun and Moon in fixed signs, we may need to confront any internal resistance to moving beyond a deep-rooted problem. Eclipses often act as “inertia busters” that accelerate the evolution or outright mutation of a stagnant situation.

As we enter this phase, Mars has just turned retrograde at 25° Gemini. From a Transpersonal Astrology perspective, Mars represents the process of self-determination, which requires great courage and risk taking. When it retrogrades, Mars asks us to review our aims and strategies, going deeply enough to understand the internal motivations behind all our actions, including the most fundamental desire (or lack thereof) to assert ourselves in this reality and create the life we want to live. Mars retrograde can be associated with a lack of energy, motivation, and impulse to act. But this interpretation is, at best incomplete and, in some cases, inaccurate. For example, many great athletes have Mars retrograde in their charts, including Michael Jordan and Kevin Durant.

Mars retrograding in Gemini for 10 weeks emphasizes how we communicate, through exchanging ideas, crafting messages, marketing methods, and other types of verbal or written interactions. During a Mars retrograde, which only occurs every other year, it is important to focus on doing only what is necessary. This doesn’t mean taking no action at all. Rest assured, there will be plenty to do. A person’s understanding of what is essential often emerges in the moment according to evolving conditions. It may even be necessary to perform tasks we have been waiting to do for quite some time but were previously delayed or restrained for various reasons.

As discussed in our Solar Eclipse article, Mars is in a long-term square to retrograde Neptune in Pisces. Further, retrograde Jupiter just backed into Pisces and joined this configuration, indicating it may be challenging to cut through misunderstandings, confusion, misinformation or overwhelm surrounding decisions or actions to be taken. Gathering enough relevant information from trustworthy sources until we see the whole picture will help us get clear, but perhaps more important, is the need to pause in moments of confusion and turn within. A mind in quiet meditation is open to receiving inspiration from unseen forces and perhaps with Pisces strong, we may even deeply feel the force of Love guiding us.

The eclipses and Mars retrograde may correlate to unexpected internal or external shifts that override the actions we want to take at the first quarter square. We could use this as an opportunity to explore the motivations behind what we want to do and discern what is most important to focus our attention on, then act accordingly. When our intentions are aligned with our higher self and the benefit of the greater whole, rather than with the ego-directed benefit of self alone, the cosmos has a way of working with us to make things happen.

This week ask yourself: What can I do to let go of expectations? Where can I be more discerning of my motivations and in utilizing my energy?

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