
Posted on June 1, 2020
Posted by Jim Schultz

Jim Schultz

*Any times indicated are for the Pacific Time Zone.

*Refer to “AstroCast” by Kimberly Maxwell for more detailed information as these events unfold.

*Remember, these are just transits and they too, like a kidney stone, shall pass.


Forecast for March 1-10

There is an old expression that “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.”  That just might prove to be true as we are in a Moon Wobble as we go into March.  The first aspect of March starts a short Moon void-of-course followed by Venus stationing retrograde after which She almost immediately conjuncts the Moon.  On the 2nd, Mercury will conjunct Neptune, then go void-of-course followed by the Sun squaring Jupiter.  On the 3rd, Mercury enters Aries followed on the 4th by the Moon making three sextiles and a conjunction.   On the 5th there will be five exact major aspects, followed by three on the 6th and on the 7th.  There will be three more aspects on the 8th, four on the 9th and just two on the 10th.  As for the lamb part, there are no exact aspects on March 31, so we will just have to wait and see if that proves to be a soft, fleecy, white lamb.


03/01/25 – 12:05 am – fast Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a mutable water conjunction to Neptune, the Moon goes void-of-course for 1 3/4 hours, until entering Aries at 1:52 am.  Coming at this time, you may have an emotional dream or at least one that wakes you.  If so, note the time and as much detail as you can.  Does it suggest what “new thing” you should start today, or do you already know?


03/01/25 – 6:34 am – fast Moon waxing sextile Pluto

Appropriately, this is the first aspect after a conjunction and suggests that you pause and take time to review any new things you may have started recently.  How are they developing?  Do they meet your expectations, or do they need some changes?  This is also when you should start planning what actions you should take to keep them on track as the next aspect in sequence is the crisis of action square.


03/01/25 – 4:36 pm – Venus stations Retrograde

Venus is at 10 Aries 50’ 09” as She appears to pause in preparation for Her retrograde transit back over the space to 24 Pisces 37’ 30”, where She will station direct on April 12, a period of just over six weeks.  Her retrograde phase is when She begins Her transition from the Evening Star Hesperus to the Morning Star Lucifer.  Before you panic, Lucifer, which means “light-bringer” or “light-bearer,” is the ancient Roman name for Venus when She is the Morningstar and is not another name for the “Devil.”  Venus has already been at 10 Aries since February 23 and won’t leave this degree until late on March 7, that is over 12 days at this degree.  Those with planets or other sensitive points at or near 10 Aries or 10 degrees of one of the other cardinal signs, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn; and/or 24 Pisces, or 24 degrees of one of the other mutable signs, Gemini, Virgo, or Sagittarius, are the most likely to feel this period the strongest.

It is Saturday, with Venus going retrograde, the next six weeks are not the best time to start a new relationship, especially if you want it to become something serious, or to make a major financial commitment.  If you can, wait until after Venus stations direct before doing either.  What might you do?  You can use this time to focus on existing relationships, your finances, or consider what it is you have to bring to a relationship or use it to review your budget. 

Less than three hours later (7:24 pm), the Moon will make a cardinal fire conjunction with Venus before She has even had time to begin moving backwards.  Conjunctions are about new beginnings.  With this meeting of the two Grand Ladies of the Zodiac, is there something new, perhaps related to an existing relationship or something that you desire, that you are ready to start working on now?  If so, proceed slowly, cautiously, pay attention, listen and hear what others are saying.


03/01/25 – 9:55 pm – fast Moon waning sextile shadow Jupiter

This is the last aspect before their conjunction.  Do you have anything left over from February that you need to complete?  If so, you may want to make that your first priority.  As they say before the airplane takes off, in the event of an emergency, put on your oxygen mask first, then help others.


03/02/25 – 5:52 am – fast Moon goes Void-of-course

Following a waning cardinal crisis of consciousness square to out-of-bounds Mars, the Moon goes void-of-course for over 20 1/2 hours.  Coming at this time, something may wake you early.  If so, note what it was, the time, and as much detail as you can.  You can reflect on it later, after your morning routine, when you are awake and have a clear head.


03/02/25 – 8:22 am – Shadow Mercury goes Void-of-Course

Following a mutable water conjunction with Neptune, Mercury goes void-of-course for almost 17 hours.  What new thing do you want or need to start now?  Something imaginative, perhaps involving writing or mental acuity or “gymnastics.”  However, with Mercury in their shadow, and now void-of-course, be sure to spell check, grammar check, recheck, and rethink everything that you write, want to post, or send before doing so.  Either start your “new thing” before or wait until after Mercury enters Aries to start it.


03/02/25 – 10:19 am – Sun waning mutable square shadow Jupiter

It is midmorning Sunday, and this is the last exact major aspect of the day, so this energy will carry into tonight.  This is the crisis of consciousness square, the consolidate, combine, eliminate that which doesn’t add value to whatever you are working on now aspect.  You may want to focus on older work, things that should have been or need to be completed soon.


03/03/25 – 1:04 am – shadow Mercury enters Aries

Did something wake you in the night?  If so, note the time, what it was and as much detail as you can recall.  Now in Mars home sign of cardinal fire Aries, words may flow more freely, which may be a good thing, or a problem as they may be words of anger or inappropriate.  Many an argument has been started while Mercury is transiting  through Aries; however, this time it may be even more challenging, as Mercury will be stationing retrograde on March 15 at 9 Aries 35’ and will then retrace their steps back to 26 Pisces 50’, where they will station direct on April 7.

About 1 1/2 hours later (2:37 am), the Moon will enter Taurus, Her second home.  Note any dreams, insights, feelings, or other sensations that may come to you.  It is Monday, perhaps there will be some inspiration there for your day.


03/03/25 – 7:27 am – fast Moon waxing fixed square Pluto

This crisis of action square seems to be a good way to start the day.  Have you thought about how you want to start your week?  This is the only aspect today, so this expansive energy should dominate.  Your focus today should be on newer work in progress that needs to be developed and moved forward.


03/04/25 – 1:47 am – fast Moon waxing sextile Sun

This is their first aspect since the New Moon on February 27.  Did you start something new around that date?  If so, how is it developing?  What actions should you take next to keep it moving forward?  Perhaps something will come to you in the night to guide you as to your best course of action.


03/04/25 – 7:25 am – fast Moon waning sextile (OOBn) Mars

The aspects today suggest that it could be a stay flexible kind of day as the energy shifts.

This is their last aspect before their conjunction.  This is the finish something aspect.  It could be an older something, or a newer, easier something.  If we start our day by finishing something, we usually feel better, and it can put a positive energy into our entire day.


03/04/25 – 1:37 pm – fast Moon waxing sextile Saturn

Things may feel as if they are “out of order” as we go from before the conjunction to after the conjunction.  Take some time to review any new things you may have started recently and what you have done today.  Saturn is about the details, so if something needs “fixing” or needs some additional detail work, take care of that first.  Then go back to your plan or routine.


03/04/25 – 5:56 pm – fast Moon fixed earth conjunction Uranus

In the normal sequence of aspects, the conjunction falls between the two sextiles from earlier today.  With unpredictable Uranus involved, you may have an “oh darn” moment as you realize you forgot to do something, or something new shows up that throws you off your game plan.  If you aren’t able to do it now, put it at the top of your “to do” list for tomorrow.


03/04/25 – 8:37 pm – fast Moon goes Out-of-Bounds North

The Moon is at 25 Taurus 20’, as She ventures beyond the northern or higher boundaries of the Sun once more.  The north symbolizes the future, the unknown, the dreams and desires for what we want.  It can be scary as it is filled with choices and can emphasize our insecurities.  It may feel even more uncertain, more foreboding as the Moon is conjunct zodiacally with the fixed star Beta Perseus, also known as Algol or the Lilith star.  This star is considered to be one of the most malefic stars as it represents the severed head of Medusa, the lady with snakes for hair.  Symbolically it is a warning to not “lose your head,” either figuratively or literally.  Proceed with caution, stay alert, don’t let your guard down as you plan and work towards the future you want.


03/05/25 – 2:53 am – fast (OOBn) Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a waxing sextile to Neptune, the first of five exact major aspects today, all waxing, expansive in nature, the Moon goes void-of-course for just over 1 1/2 hours, until entering Gemini at 4:29 am.  Like this one, four of the five aspects are waxing sextiles, the aspect that follows the conjunction.  This suggests that you may want to focus on newer work, things that have been started recently to make sure that they are developing properly so you won’t have to make any major changes or repairs in the future.  This is also the make plans for what you should do next for this newer work, so you are ready when the crisis of action square comes along.  Note any dreams, “a-ha” moments, insights, feelings, or other sensations that may come to you.  There may be clues in them that will help you in the days ahead.

With the Moon now in talkative, inquisitive Gemini, don’t be reluctant to ask others for their thoughts or opinions.  We never have “all the answers.”  Sometimes we are the one holding us back.


03/05/25 – 5:13 am – shadow Mercury waxing sextile Pluto

Sextiles can be thought of as the maintain your focus and be efficient aspects.  Just as the day is starting for many people, we have the second aspect of the day, another waxing sextile.  Start your day by reviewing any newer work that you have pending.  What can you take care of quickly?  What will take more time?  There may be a necessary adjustment coming up.


03/05/25 – 9:36 am – fast (OOBn) Moon waxing air trine Pluto

The waxing trine, the third aspect of the day, is the pause and review any recent actions trine.  It may be about what you have done this morning, or it may involve what you did yesterday or the day before.  Take your time as you review things, so you don’t miss anything.


03/05/25 – 10:01 am – fast (OOBn) Moon waxing sextile shadow Mercury

This is the fourth aspect of the day.  If you haven’t, you may want to switch back to focusing on your newer work in progress, doing what you can, setting aside anything that you may be waiting on something for.  If you don’t know what to do with something, you could ask someone for their thoughts or you might set it aside for later. 

It will be over 12 hours before the next aspect so this energy may continue for the rest of your workday.


03/05/25 – 10:21 pm – decelerating (OOBn) Moon waxing sextile retrograde Venus

This is the fifth and final aspect of the day.  Take some time to reflect on your day.  What you accomplished, what you have learned, and what you should focus on tomorrow.


03/06/25 – 2:17 am – decelerating (OOBn) Moon mutable air conjunction shadow Jupiter

This is the beginning of a new Moon Jupiter cycle.  Before Neptune was discovered, Jupiter ruled Pisces and our dreams.  Jupiter is still retracing His steps; however, this may be the right time to go big, but not too BIG!  Know your limits.  You may   push  them, but not to the breaking point.  The Moon is out of bounds north bringing focus to the future.  Pay close attention to any dreams, insights or such that may come to you as they may provide guidance to help you manifest your dreams.


03/06/25 – 8:32 am – decelerating (OOBn) Moon waxing mutable square Sun

Yesterday was about the waxing sexile, the prepare for the waxing square aspect.  The next two days will be about taking those actions you have been planning and preparing for.  It won’t matter if you don’t feel ready, because now, you will have to decide and do.

This is the “crisis of action” square and should carry through the day as the only other aspect is another one.  Today is a day to do stuff, to move things forward, whatever you may be working on.  This aspect may emphasize anything that you may have started around the time of the New Moon on February 27.  The Sun and Moon have both short term, monthly, and longer term, three year cycles.  If you have long term projects, this could relate to something started around the time of the New Moon of June 6, 2024.  Do you have something that you have been working on since then?  If so, how is it coming along?  Have you forgotten about it?  What are you waiting for?  Now may be the time to get back to it.


03/06/25 – 5:23 pm – decelerating (OOBn) Moon waxing mutable square Saturn

Your day may be winding down, but there is still work to be done.  Now that Saturn is involved it may be time to slow down, pay attention to the details, and make sure you haven’t missed anything.  Whatever you may be doing, take your time and do it right the first time.


03/07/25 – 6:57 am – decelerating (OOBn) Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a waxing crisis of action square to Neptune, the  third such aspect in a row, the Moon goes void-of-course for about 1 1/2 hours, until entering Cancer at 8:29 am.  Stick to your routine or whatever plans you have made for the morning.  Don’t start anything new until after the Moon enters Her home sign of Cancer.  Often considered the mothering sign, it may emphasize a desire or need to nurture and protect others, or it may bring to light our own failure, or the failure of others to do so.  This may be an opportune time to reflect on our own Cancerian qualities.  Ask yourself, how do I nurture others?  Do I help to protect others who may be weaker or less fortunate than myself?  The world can’t get bigger, but it may feel as if it is getting smaller with more people living on it.  What do you see as your role on planet Earth in the future?

About 5 1/2 hours later (1:56 pm), the Moon will make a waxing inconjunct/ quincunx to Pluto.  This is the aspect before their opposition.  Some may feel this as a discomfort or irritant, aware of the feeling, but not why?  Maybe something you think is ready, isn’t.  Or maybe something is out of balance.  Take a moment and focus on whatever you may be feeling.  How would you describe it?  Seek out the source of what you are feeling.  Then ask yourself why?


03/07/25 – 7:05 pm – average (OOBn) Moon waxing cardinal square shadow Mercury

This is the fourth crisis of action square in just the last two days.  Have you been taking action?  Perhaps the action you should take this evening is to “clean up” those actions, make sure that you haven’t left something undone.


03/07/25 – 9:13 pm – Sun waning water trine shadow (OOBn) Mars

The waning trine is the pause and plan your next actions trine.  The next three days will have aspects focusing on newer work in progress, on expanding, moving things forward energy.  If you don’t have one, you may want to make a “to do” list for tomorrow.


03/08/25 – 2:20 am – average (OOBn) Moon waxing cardinal square retrograde Venus

It is another crisis of action square.  Unless you are working the night or early morning shift, this could present itself as a dream, a feeling, or other sensation.  Perhaps it will offer you some sense of what you should do when your day gets started as there won’t be another aspect until later this afternoon.


03/08/25 – 4:52 pm – average (OOBn) Moon cardinal water conjunction shadow (OOBn) Mars

This marks the beginning of a new Moon Mars cycle.  Coming in an emotional water sign and with Mars involved, it might foretell something emotionally unpleasant coming.  Be on your best behavior and be empathetic towards others, just in case.  Hopefully, you haven’t forgotten someone’s birthday, anniversary, or other important date.


03/09/25 – 12:40 am – average (OOBn) Moon waxing water trine Saturn

This is the pause and take time to review any recent actions trine.  Coming at this time, it may be a dream or sudden realization that you forgot to do or complete something.  Whatever it may be, note it in as much detail as you can recall.  Then deal with it when your day starts.


03/09/25 – 2:00 am – Daylight Savings Time Begins

Spring forward, that is, if you live in an area that observes Daylight Savings Time, make sure that all your clocks and other devices have set their times forward one hour.  Yes, we lose the hour between 2 am and 3 am and we won’t get it back.  However, unless the law is changed, on November 2, we will get an extra hour (not sure where it will be coming from), as at 2 am, clocks and other devices will reset to 1 am.


03/09/25 – 4:39 am – average (OOBn) Moon waxing sextile Uranus

This is their first aspect since their conjunction March 4.  Did you start anything new around that time?  If so, how is it progressing?  What should you do next to keep it moving forward?  That may be where you want to start your day as there won’t be another aspect until midafternoon.


03/09/25 – 2:32 pm – average (OOBn) Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a waxing water trine to Neptune, the Moon goes void-of-course for just under 1 1/2 hours, entering Leo at 3:59 pm.  It would be best if you set aside any new “things” that come your way until after the Moon enters Leo.  If it is something that you must deal with, proceed with caution.  Pause and review your work frequently.  If you must finish it, check it very carefully before calling it done.


03/09/25 – 9:48 pm – average (OOBn) Moon fixed opposition Pluto

This is the midpoint in their current cycle and the point when we shift from waxing expansive to waning contracting energies.  Here we may seek a balance between the contrasting energies in our work and our personal lives.  You may want to take some time to reflect on your day and consider, was there a time when things seemed out of balance?  If so, when was it and why did it seem out of balance?  Did you get things back in balance?


03/09/25 – 11:04 pm – average Moon returns In-Bounds

The Moon is at 3 Leo 48’ as She returns into the bounds of the Sun.  With the Moon now back within the boundaries of the Sun, many may find their lives feeling more normal.  For some however, abnormal may be their new normal for the foreseeable future.


03/10/25 – 6:56 am – slowing Moon waxing fire trine shadow Mercury

This is the pause and review of recent actions trine.  With the day just getting started, you may want to take some time to review what you did and didn’t do yesterday.  Is there anything that you should do today to correct, complete, or finish what you were working on recently?  If so, you may want to start your day with that.

Less than 2 1/2 hours later (9:21 am), the Moon will repeat the waxing fire trine, this time to retrograde Venus.  Retrogrades offer us an opportunity to “fix” or complete something we did, or didn’t do earlier.  This could relate to something since Venus stationed retrograde on March 1, or it may go back to when Venus entered Her Shadow, January 28.  If you can’t find or think of something that this might pertain to, don’t overthink it.  As Venus retraces Her steps, if there is something, She will expose it to you.


03/10/25 – 4:46 pm – slowing Moon waxing sextile Jupiter

This aspect seems to suggest that as your workday ends, perhaps you should take a few minutes to review your day and any new things you may have started recently.  Perhaps there is something that you forgot to do or finish, or maybe something that you realize you should change.  Time permitting, do it now so that it is done, and you can start tomorrow as a new day, and not think about yesterday.


Forecast for March 11-20

The 11th may just kick things up a notch as there will be two exact major and three quincunx aspects.  On the 12th the Sun will conjunct Saturn after which there will be three quincunxes.  On the 13th there will be four aspects, the last of which will be a Full Moon Lunar Total Eclipse which should be visible throughout the US.  The 14th offers up four more aspects and ends with Mercury stationing retrograde.  The Ides of March offers up two oppositions and a trine, followed on the 16th with just one major and four quincunx aspects which just might throw some people off balance.  St. Patrick’s Day may keep us off balance with a square and two quincunxes.  There will be two major and two quincunx aspects on the 18th followed on the 19th by 6 exact major aspects, including Sun conjunct Neptune, after which the Sun goes void-of-course until entering Aries on the 20th.


03/11/25 – 8:10 am – slowing Moon waxing inconjunct/quincunx Sun

What a way to start the day.  Less than 1 1/2 hours later (9:32 am), the Moon will repeat this aspect to Saturn.  Starting the day with this uncomfortable pair could have you questioning yourself.  If so, pause, step back, review, refocus, then decide what to do next.


03/11/25 – 1:16 pm – slowing Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a waxing fixed crisis of action square to Uranus, the Moon goes void-of-course for over 11 1/2 hours.  With both in fixed, grounded, focused signs, follow instructions and do it right.  You thought about it this morning, so now do it.  If you can, set aside any new things until tomorrow after the Moon is in Virgo.  If you must start something new, focus, check, and recheck your work frequently.  Proceed meticulously.  Be thorough.


03/11/25 – 3:55 pm – shadow Mercury conjunct/opposite retrograde Venus

You may ask, how can it be both a conjunction and an opposition?  It is a matter of perspective.  From our point of view on Earth, they may appear to be conjunct as both appear to be at 8 Aries 48’.  However, with Venus retrograde and Mercury direct, they are actually on opposite sides of the Sun and going in opposite directions.  When considering your options, don’t rule out the “impossible.”  You may want to “trust” your intuition rather than your heart.

Slightly less than 7 1/2 hours later (11:36 pm), while still in Leo, the Moon will make a waxing inconjunct/quincunx to Neptune to finish the day.  What is real?  Do we create our own reality?  Just some food for thought as deceptive Neptune “challenges” everything you might believe.


03/12/25 – 12:56 am – slowing Moon enters Virgo

Now in mutable earth, critical, analytical Virgo, lead with your mind.  With Venus retrograde, can you trust your heart?  But with Mercury, ruler of Virgo, in their shadow and about to go retrograde, can you even trust your thoughts?  The eyes don’t really “see,” they just take in and send information to the brain, which it then translates into images.  Which of your senses do you trust now?


03/12/25 – 3:29 am – Sun conjunct Saturn

Their annual conjunction is at 22 Pisces 06’ this year.  Is there a new long-term project that you want to start?  Perhaps there is a long-term project that you have been working on or started and set aside that you could now get back to.  The choice is yours.  Be sure to note any dreams, insights, feelings, or sensations that may come to you during the night.


03/12/25 – 7:05 am – slowing Moon waning inconjunct/quincunx Pluto

For many people, the workday may just be getting started, but it looks like it could be a “bumpy ride.”  This is the first of three consecutive inconjunct/quincunx aspects that will finish the day.  The next two are both waxing in nature.  Stay focused, stay alert, stay flexible, as you may not see whatever “it” is coming.

Over 10 hours later (5:10 pm), the Moon will make a waxing inconjunct/quincunx to retrograde Venus.  Then 1 3/4 hours later (6:55 pm), the Moon will make another waxing inconjunct/quincunx, this time to shadow Mercury.  These are the last aspects before their oppositions.  Take time to review your work to make sure that things you think are ready to be finished, actually are.


03/13/25 – 3:13 am – slow Moon waxing mutable square shadow Jupiter

Coming at this time, perhaps a dream or sudden insight will remind you of something that you either forgot to do or need to do with this crisis of action square energy.  If so, note it so you don’t forget it.


03/13/25 – 1:45 pm – slow Moon waxing sextile shadow Mars

This is their first aspect since their conjunction on March 8.  Did you start something new around that date?  If so, what was it and have you finished it?  If not, how is it developing?  Take time to plan what your next action should be to keep it moving forward.


03/13/25 – 8:40 pm – slow Moon mutable opposition Saturn

This is about finding balance in your life, at work, play and elsewhere.  With both in adaptable mutable signs, adjusting should be easier; however, Saturn can be a stickler, so follow the rules, don’t take shortcuts, or try to skip a step.


03/13/25 – 11:55 pm – slow Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse opposite Sun

This is the second most powerful Full Moon we can have.  Only the Super Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse would be more powerful.  This is most commonly known as the Worm Moon as the ground softens and they begin to show their heads above ground.  It is also known as the Crow or Crust Moon and in areas with Maple trees, it may be known as the Sap Moon.  This eclipse, weather permitting, will be visible throughout America.  The Full Moon is at 23 Virgo 57’.  The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “Mary and her white lamb.”  Does this represent Mary from the nursery rhyme, or perhaps, because it is in Virgo, might it represent the Virgin Mary as Her day falls in Virgo?  How would you interpret this symbol?  How might it fit into your life at this time?

“This Symbol can show purity of motive and pure and wonderful relationships and friendships. However, it can also point to dependence or codependence where people can’t stand to be separate. Hence, relationships may need to be assessed to see how healthy they actually are.”

-Sabian Symbols by Lynda Hill.

As you look at this eclipse, you don’t need special glasses, you may want to ask yourself, what do I expect from my relationships?  What do I have to offer?  Where or when am I being dependent or codependent?  The answers are within you.


03/14/25 – 12:06 am – slow Moon waxing earth trine Uranus

Uranus gets a double hit tonight so pay attention.  This is the pause and review of any recent actions trine.  Did you have a dream in the night?  Did something wake you suddenly?  If so, note the time and what it was and as much detail as possible.  Was it about something you did or perhaps about something that you forgot to do recently?  If so, note it and take care of it when your day starts.


03/14/25 – 2:16 am – Sun waning sextile Uranus

This is their last aspect before their conjunction on May 17.  You should be focusing on older work in progress or things that need to be done first.  You have a couple of months to consider and plan what new long-term thing you want to start in May.


03/14/25 – 10:47 am – slow Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a mutable opposition to Neptune, the Moon goes void-of-course for over one hour, until entering Libra at 11:59 am.  With the Moon now in Libra, represented by the scales of justice, finding balance may seem easy.  But you may want to ask yourself, am I really “in balance,” as deceptive Neptune is involved.  Recheck things, you may even want to question yourself just to be on the safe side.


03/14/25 – 6:27 pm – slow Moon waning air trine Pluto

This is the consolidate, finish phase, and this is the review and plan your next actions trine.  Is it ready to be finished?  If not, what should you do to get it ready?  Pluto will accept nothing less than our very best, so don’t try to cut corners or skip a step.


03/14/25 – 11:46 pm – Mercury stations Retrograde

Mercury, now at 9 Aries 35’ 20”, appears to stop their forward progress and will begin to appear to move backwards until April 7, when at 26 Pisces 49’ 35” they will again appear to stop and then begin to move forward again.  This retrograde will last just over 23 days and cover 12 degrees, 46 minutes of arc.  Those with planets or sensitive points between 26 Pisces or one of the other mutable signs, Gemini, Virgo, or Sagittarius, and 10 degrees of Aries or one of the other cardinal signs, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn, may feel this retrograde the strongest.  Those born with Mercury retrograde, while not immune, generally may not feel Mercury retrogrades as strong as others.

This is a very special, powerful Mercury retrograde as it falls completely within the current Venus retrograde.  Be patient.  Stay alert.  Pay attention to everything and everyone around you, to all that you see and hear.  This retrograde may feel more chaotic, but you can manage it.  You may want to use this time to review things that you are writing, your relationships, and your finances.  It isn’t just about the things ruled by Mercury, but also those ruled by Venus, as Mercury will be tracing Venus’ steps exactly.  The area from 26 Pisces through 9 Aries is being transited not just by Mercury and Venus, but also by the Sun for a total of seven times over the next two months.


03/15/25 – “Beware the Ides of March”

                                   “Julius Caesar,” Act 1, Scene 2, William Shakespeare


This expression comes from the death of Julius Ceasar at the hands of his “friends,” and Roman Senators on March 15, 44 BCE.  It is a warning to be very cautious around the middle of March, not just on the 15th.  Note the forecast for the 16th.


03/15/25 – 2:24 am – slow Moon cardinal opposition retrograde Venus

Note any dreams, insights, feelings, or other sensations that may come to you during the night.  Consider, am I giving as much as I expect others to give in my relationships?  What about my finances, am I spending more than I am making?  Where am I not in balance in my life?


03/15/25 – 7:12 am – slow Moon cardinal opposition retrograde Mercury

Ask yourself, what did I experience during the night?  Do I feel that I am living a balanced life?  If not, how am I out of balance?  What are my plans for today?  Is that the best use of my time today?


03/15/25 – 3:38 pm – slow Moon waxing air trine shadow Jupiter

This suggests that maybe you should take some time to review your day, what you have accomplished, and what you haven’t?  Make a priority list for the rest of your day or for tomorrow.  You can push yourself, but know your limits and don’t over-extend yourself.


03/16/25 – 2:53 am – slow Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a waxing cardinal crisis of action square to (OOBn) shadow Mars, the Moon goes void-of-course for 21 1/2 hours.  Plan your actions ahead of time.  Whatever actions you take now, pay attention to the details, avoid impulsive actions, and watch out for the “other guy,” the one who causes accidents, the things you “don’t (but should have), seen coming.

There are no other exact major aspects today; however, there will be four exact inconjunct/quincunx aspects.  I should note that at this time we are also at about the midpoint of the current Moon Wobble, a period of potential chaos, natural, and man-made disasters.  There will also be a unique astronomical configuration known as a Yod, or “Finger of God,” created when two planets are sextile each other (60 degrees apart), and both make an inconjunct/quincunx (150 degree aspect) to the same planet.  Today, the finger is pointing at the Moon.  She will be the point of Yods from Saturn Uranus, then Sun Uranus, then Neptune Uranus.  The Yod is a very focused, unsettling, “where is it coming from” type of energy.  This could be a very confusing, uncomfortable Sunday for many.  Spending time alone or in nature may be helpful.  Ask yourself, what am I feeling?  Where does it seem to be coming from?  What is “it” trying to tell me?  Avoid taking chances, arguments, dark or otherwise scary places.

The exact quincunxes begin with a waning quincunx to Saturn at 9:32 am.  It will be followed by a waxing quincunx to Uranus at 12:35 pm; and then another waning quincunx to the Sun at 5:45 pm.  The last will be another waning quincunx to Neptune at 11:29 pm.  The Yod energy may be felt throughout the day.


03/17/25 – Happy St. Patrick’s Day


03/17/25 – 12:30 am – slow Moon enters Scorpio

Coming just as the last of the Yod energy may be dissipating, some may feel this shift from cardinal air, lets be fair and all get along Libra into fixed water, deep, dark, revenge may be sweet Scorpio as a relief, while some may feel as if the “discomfort” is getting stronger.


03/17/25 – 7:11 am – slow Moon waning square Pluto

This is the only exact major aspect today.  There will be two quincunxes this afternoon.  This crisis of consciousness square to start the day suggests you may want to focus on the most important things that need to be finished today, this week, and this month.  This is the “trim,” consolidate aspect as you prepare to finish things.  With stickler Pluto involved, do it right and to the very best of your abilities!  There will be no “or else.”

Shortly after noon (12:25 pm), the Moon will make a waning inconjunct/quincunx to retrograde Venus.  Almost 6 1/2 hours later (6:54 pm), She will make another, this time to retrograde Mercury.  With the overlapping retrogrades of Venus and Mercury, issues involving communications, contracts, others, relationships, and finances will continue to be emphasized.


03/18/25 – 5:06 am – slow Moon waxing inconjunct/quincunx shadow Jupiter

This third consecutive quincunx adds its energy to the two from yesterday.  This “what am I missing” off balance energy should dominate most of the day as there won’t be a major aspect until later this afternoon.  Pay attention to your surroundings and what you are feeling.  Focus on whatever you are doing.  Avoid distractions and impulsive actions.


03/18/25 – 4:56 pm – slow Moon waxing water trine shadow (OOBn) Mars

Time to review those actions you have taken in the last two or three days.  How are those things developing?  What actions should you take next?  Do you need to change or redo anything?  Do what you can.  Tomorrow could be a challenging day for some.


03/18/25 – 11:03 pm – slow Moon waning water trine Saturn

This could be a good time to review what you need to focus on tomorrow.  You may also want to have a plan “B,” maybe even a plan “C,” just in case.


03/19/25 – 1:38 am – slow Moon fixed opposition Uranus

It is “Hump Day,” and getting through this one, may be challenging for many as this is the first of six exact major aspects today.  The first four involving emotional water signs and the last two involving changeable fire Sagittarius.  Does this suggest that things symbolized by the “tears” shed today may come to a “boil” later.  With the “fire” seeking the path of least resistance, will you be able to control any tendency for fight or flight?  Perhaps, perhaps not!  Pay close attention to your surroundings and your feelings.  Note any dreams, insights, “a-ha” moments, feelings or other sensations that come to you.  Make sure you have a good supply of tissue, in case.


03/19/25 – 3:48 am – slow Moon goes Out-of-Bounds South

The Moon is at 25 Scorpio 18’, as She once again moves lower (south) beyond the boundary of the Sun.  The south represents our past, both the positive good things we have done and learned, but also the other things we may have done, left undone, or forgotten.  Empowered by Mercury and Venus retrogrades, old memories, debts, joys, people, may come up in the days ahead.


03/19/25 – 12:08 pm – slow (OOBs) Moon waning water trine Sun

This plan your next actions trine is the second aspect of the day.  Followed just 20 minutes later (12:28 pm), by another waning water trine, this time to Neptune, the third aspect of the day, you may have second thoughts about what to do.  If so, consider asking a trusted co-worker, friend, or family member.  After this aspect, the Moon goes Void-of-Course for less than one hour, until entering Sagittarius at 1:17 pm.  Avoid starting anything new.  Take your lunch break or use this time to review what you have done today and/or what you have to do this afternoon.  With the Moon now in optimistic, forward looking Sagittarius, the day may start to feel a bit lighter.  Any tension or anxiety may ease; however, for some, it may not last.


03/19/25 – 4:25 pm – Sun conjunct Neptune

Their annual meeting is the fourth, and last watery aspect of the day.  Do you have a “dream” project that you have been thinking about starting?  If so, this evening may be just the right time to start it.  But, if you aren’t serious about it and won’t commit to it, you probably shouldn’t waste your time on it.  Following this, the Sun goes void-of-course for just over 9 1/2 hours.  While not the time to start something new and personal, this can be a productive time for developing that “dream” project.  Use it to make lists, plans, and a schedule of “to-do” steps for completing it or for whatever you may be working on.


03/19/25 – 7:59 pm – slow (OOBs) Moon waning sextile Pluto

This is the fifth aspect of the day.  With the Moon now in mutable fire Sagittarius and Pluto ensconced in fixed air Aquarius for the next 20 years, there should be a subtle shift in energy.  This is the finishing sextile.  Fire needs air to breathe and burn.  With a fixed long term air source in Pluto, this could be a very hot one, so whatever you do, make sure you can control it.


03/19/25 – 10:09 pm – slow (OOBs) Moon waning fire trine retrograde Venus

This is the sixth and final aspect of the day.  With both in hot fiery signs and still fueled by Pluto’s fixed air Aquarius, things could “heat up” for some, possibly involving friends, groups, or organizations.  What or who are you passionate about?  Avoid hasty or impulsive decisions as you may be too close to the fire and suffer unanticipated consequences.


03/20/25 – 2:01 am – Sun enters Aries

Coming in the night, most will sleep through this, but some may feel the shift from mutable water, emotional Pisces to cardinal, just do it, fiery Aries.  Aries energy can be impulsive at times, so be alert and keep yours under control, for at least the next month or so anyway.


03/20/25 – 4:56 am – slow (OOBs) Moon waning fire trine retrograde Mercury

Here comes another one, much like the other one.  The waning trine is the plan your next actions trine.  This energy should carry through most of the workday so you may want to focus on older work that needs to be completed.  Unless it is a priority.  You may want to set aside any newer work until later this afternoon or tomorrow.  For those working on writing projects, this can be a good time to spell check, grammar check, edit or reedit it.


03/20/25 – 6:01 pm – slow (OOBs) Moon mutable opposition shadow Jupiter

When finding a balance point, literally or figuratively, remember the teeter totter.  A smaller child can balance a larger heavier child if the smaller child is far enough from the fulcrum, which is the balance point.  With the big guy Jupiter involved, you may need to step back to see the way to find true balance.


Forecast for March 21-31

On the 22nd, there will be the Sun Venus Inferior Conjunction.  On the 24th there will be six major aspects including the Sun Mercury Inferior Conjunction and retrograde Venus going void-of-course.  On the 27th, retrograde Venus will return to Pisces and on the 28th there will be seven exact major aspects, and retrograde Mercury will go void-of-course.  The 29th will start with the Aries New Moon Solar Partial Eclipse, not visible in the US, followed by retrograde Mercury returning to Pisces.  On the 30th Neptune will step into Aries for the first time since April 7, 1875, when they left Aries for Taurus.  It seems that March may truly be “going out like a lamb” as there will be no aspects between the transiting planets on the 31st.


03/21/25 – 11:23 am – slow (OOBs) Moon waning mutable square Saturn

In the next two days, the Moon will make five waning crisis of consciousness squares.  This would seem to be a clear sign that you should be focusing on older work in progress or things that need to be completed soon, by the end of this week or this month at the latest.

Over five hours earlier (6:06 am), the day started with the Moon making a waxing inconjunct/quincunx to (OOBn) shadow Mars.  Just over one hour (1:29 pm) after making the square to Saturn, the Moon will make a waning inconjunct/quincunx to Uranus.  This mix of waning and waxing energy reminds us not to forget about other work that also needs our attention while we focus on stuff that needs to be completed.


03/21/25 – 2:32 pm – retrograde Venus waxing sextile Pluto

This is their second of three waxing sextiles since their conjunction.  Due to Her retrograde, Venus makes three waxing sextiles to Pluto before making a different aspect.  The current Venus Pluto cycle began December 7, 2024, when they were conjunct at 0 Aquarius.  Did you start anything new around that time?  It could be a project, a relationship, a financial contract, or something else of a longer term nature.  If so, how is it developing?  Time to give it some more attention, to get or keep it moving forward.  If not, this would be a good time to consider your relationships and/or your financial situation.  What should you do to make it/them better?


03/21/25 – 11:53 pm – accelerating (OOBs) Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a waning mutable crisis of consciousness square to Neptune, the Moon, now at 29 Sagittarius 42’, goes void-of-course for 36 minutes, entering Capricorn at 12:29 am on the 22nd.  Most will probably sleep through this; but if you aren’t one of them, don’t start anything new until after the Moon is in cardinal earth, let’s get down to business Capricorn.  Be prepared to “hit the ground running,” that is get busy as tomorrow starts with three consecutive crisis of consciousness squares.  Be sure to note any dreams, insights, feelings, or other sensations that may come to you during the night or on waking.


03/22/25 – 4:29 am – accelerating (OOBs) Moon waning square Sun

It is Saturday and with three crisis of consciousness squares to start your day, whether at work or home, you may want to focus on any work that you have started that needs to be or should be completed by the end of the month.


03/22/25 – 6:10 am – accelerating (OOBs) Moon waning square retrograde Venus

With Venus involved now, you may want to work on a passion project, a relationship, or your current finances and budget.


03/22/25 – 12:13 pm – accelerating (OOBs) Moon waning square retrograde Mercury

With Mercury now joining the crowd, if you have any writing projects or old emails or texts that you haven’t dealt with, now would be a good time to work on them.  Take time to make sure you haven’t forgotten or overlooked anything.


03/22/25 – 6:07 pm -retrograde Venus cardinal Inferior Conjunction Sun

Their conjunction is at 2 Aries 39.  The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “A cameo profile of a man in the outline of his country.”  This marks the beginning of their new annual cycle.  The symbol suggests that the year ahead may be one in which you find yourself questioning your life and your place in the bigger picture of things.  The profile asks, “Are you satisfied with what you see when you look at yourself or is there something you want to change?”  This aspect and the year ahead may provide the incentive you need to make it happen.


03/23/25 – 12:32 pm – Sun waxing sextile Pluto

This is their first aspect since their conjunction January 21, 2025.  Did you start anything new around that date?  If so, how is it developing?  If not, ask yourself, what in my life has changed since then?  What do I do next?

Just over 8 hours earlier (4:25 am), the Moon made a waning inconjunct/quincunx to shadow Jupiter.  This is the first aspect after their opposition.  Did something wake you in the night?  Perhaps you had a memorable or disturbing dream?  If so, note what it was, the time and as much detail as possible.  It may provide clues to help you solve any problems or challenges you are currently facing.


03/23/25 – 4:23 pm – average (OOBs) Moon cardinal opposition (OOBn) shadow Mars

This is the midpoint in their monthly cycle.  Sometimes referred to as the “harvest” point, it symbolizes a time for checking to make sure that your work and personal lives are in balance.  With Mars involved, the energy should be there to take any actions necessary to find and maintain that balance.


03/23/25 – 8:41 pm – average (OOBs) Moon waning sextile Saturn

This is their last aspect before their conjunction March 28.  Take time to plan your work week ahead.  What do you need to complete?  Make a to do list starting with what you need to do first, then second, and so on.  Plan your work tonight, then work your plan tomorrow.


03/23/25 – 10:18 pm – average (OOBs) Moon waning earth trine Uranus

Are you facing any problems or significant challenges that have you “stumped?”  Perhaps, as this aspect might suggest, the answers lie in how you handled similar situations in the past.


03/24/25 – 8:01 am – average (OOBs) Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a waning sextile to Neptune, the first of six exact major aspects today, the Moon, now at 29 Capricorn 47’, goes void-of-course for 24 minutes until entering Aquarius at 8:25 am.  Five of the six are by the Moon, four of them are waning aspects.  It is Monday, you have one week to complete any work that needs to be done.  You really should focus on your oldest work and anything high priority that needs to be completed by the end of this month.


03/24/25 – 11:15 am – average (OOBs) Moon waning sextile retrograde Venus

This second aspect of the day is another finishing aspect.  What have you completed so far this morning?  Your answer shouldn’t be “nothing.”  Consider completing a simpler or easier task that needs to be done rather than spending all day on something more time consuming.  If you finish something, you will feel better, and it can help you refocus on that more challenging task.

Following this, Venus goes void-of-course for almost 62 1/2 hours.  This is like Venus retrograde on steroids.  Don’t even think about starting a new relationship or buying that expensive item.  Instead, you should focus on your past and existing relationships and the role you play in their success or failure.  Save your money for after Venus goes direct.


03/24/25 – 12:48 pm – retrograde Mercury cardinal Inferior Conjunction Sun

This is the third aspect of the day and marks the beginning of their new cycle.  Their conjunction is at 4 Aries 25’.  The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “A triangle with wings.”  This symbol shows that you have the ability to “lift” yourself out of your current situation and find a way to overcome any real or perceived obstacles.


03/24/25 – 2:34 pm – average (OOBs) Moon conjunct Pluto

This is the fourth aspect of the day and marks the beginning of a new Moon Pluto cycle.  The Moon is a reflective object, She does not give off any light of Her own.  Like a mirror, She can only reflect the light of the Sun.  Pluto demands that we become our purest self, the who we are meant to be when we are born.  Now is the time to take a long look at yourself, both inside and out.  Are you on the current path to becoming your best you?  If not, what should you work on in the month ahead?  Even small steps can cover a great distance.

Just 41 minutes later (3:15 pm), the accelerating Moon now at 3 Aquarius 49’ returns in-bounds.  Some may feel the shift from what was to what is and what can be.  If you haven’t been, now is the time to start looking forward to what you need to do, want to do, and hope to do.


03/24/25 – 4:06 pm – accelerating Moon waning sextile retrograde Mercury

This is the fifth aspect and third waning sextile of the day.  You may want to take a few minutes to review what you have accomplished and what you still need to do today.

Just 30 minutes later (4:36 pm), the Moon makes the sixth and final aspect of the day, another waning sextile, this time to the Sun.  Perhaps now you might take time to plan your workday for tomorrow.


03/25/25 – 11:01 am – accelerating Moon waning air trine shadow Jupiter

This is the plan your next actions trine.  What should you do to keep things moving to completion?  With Jupiter involved, you can plan big, just not too big as He is still in His shadow and retracing His steps.  Know your limits.  If you are going to “push” hard, make sure that you aren’t pushing on a door that says “Pull.”


03/25/25 – 3:02 pm – retrograde Mercury waxing sextile Pluto

Just like Venus, this is the second of three waxing sextiles between this pair.  This aspect relates back to the beginning of their current cycle, their conjunction on January 28.  Did you start a longer term project around that date?  If so, how is it developing?  The first of these waxing sexiles was earlier this month on March 5.  What was that day like for you?  What did you do or were you working on?  This repeating aspect suggests that something from around that date may come up again.  It may be about something you need to redo or forgot to do.

Over 7 1/2 hours later (10:40 pm), the now fast Moon will make a waning inconjunct/quincunx to shadow (OOBn) Mars.  This could be the sudden realization that you forgot to do something or perhaps about something coming up that you weren’t expecting but that you may need to act on quickly.  After all, Mars is out-of-bounds north.


03/26/25 – 3:15 am – fast Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a waning fixed crisis of consciousness square to Uranus, the Moon, now at 21 Aquarius 49’, goes void-of-course for over nine hours until entering Pisces at 12:31 pm.  Lasting through the morning, it would be best, if you can, to focus on work in progress and set aside any new things until after the Moon enters Pisces.

Just 42 minutes later (1:13 pm), shadow (OOBn) Mars will make a waxing crisis of action square from Cancer to Chiron in Aries.  While I don’t usually discuss aspects to Chiron as He is not a planet, since He is in Mars’ Aries home and this is their third crisis of action square during this cycle, it deserves to receive some mention.  Mars previously made crisis of action squares to Chiron on October 13, 2024, and February 3, 2025.  What if anything may have happened around those dates?  Aspects during a retrograde cycle almost always come in threes.  The first is usually the setup, the second may bring awareness, and the third may offer opportunities for resolution.  While Mars is about action, getting what we want, Chiron symbolizes possible health issues, physical or mental, including abandonment, also self-sacrifice, and things such as teaching and learning.  If this applies to you, time to decide what you are going to do.


03/27/25 – 1:41 am – retrograde Venus returns to Pisces

Venus may regain some strength now as She returns to a sign in which She is exalted.  In the days ahead, She will once again conjunct Neptune and then the North Node as She retraces Her steps back to 24 Pisces 37’ 30”.  Consider, what was February like for you?  Did anything notable happen regarding your finances or relationships?  If so, whatever it was, it may come up again offering you an opportunity to complete or resolve whatever it may have been.


03/27/25 – 6:13 am – retrograde Venus mutable conjunction Neptune

This conjunction is at 29 Pisces 53’ and is the second of three conjunctions they will make.  Their first was February 1, at 27 Pisces 59’, and their third will be on May 2, at 1 Aries 09.  Did anything memorable happen around February 1?  How might this be a continuation of that?  For those who like to plan ahead or perhaps have some idea of what to expect from this pair in the years ahead, their conjunction on May 2 will be their first of 14 in Aries over the next 14 years.


03/27/25 – 1:56 pm – fast Moon waning mutable square shadow Jupiter

This crisis of consciousness square represents a time for consolidating, for paring down and preparing things to be completed.  Jupiter may be involved; however, that doesn’t mean you should go all in as He is still retracing His steps.  The month isn’t over yet.  Is there anything that MUST be completed by the end of March?  If so, what is it and what do you need to do to get it finished?


03/28/25 – 1:27 am – fast Moon waning water trine (OOBn) shadow Mars

This is the first of seven exact major aspects today, four of which are conjunctions, all by the Moon.  I did say She was moving fast!  For some, this could be a very busy, almost hectic feeling day.  This is the plan your next action trine, the what do I need to do to get my work finished on time aspect?   Note any dreams, insights, feelings or other sensations that may come to you during the night.  With Mars involved, avoid impulsive actions.  Know your limits.  Do not overextend yourself.  We are more likely to make mistakes when we act in haste or are tired.


03/28/25 – 4:03 am – fast Moon mutable conjunction Saturn

This begins a new Moon Saturn cycle and serves as a reminder to pay attention to all rules, instructions, the “little things,” and to recheck everything to be sure that you haven’t overlooked something critical.

Less than one hour later (4:55 am), the Moon will make a waning sextile to Uranus for the second and third aspects of the day.  Nothing like having something unexpected to start the day.  Perhaps the realization that you forgot or overlooked something, or it may be a sudden “a-ha” moment as you “know” how to solve a problem or overcome an obstacle that has been frustrating you.


03/28/25 – 12:17 pm – fast Moon mutable conjunction retrograde Venus

This is the fourth aspect of the day and marks the beginning of a new Moon Venus cycle.  So many conjunctions offer opportunities to get new things started before the end of the month as if to get a head start on April.  From the looks of what may be coming, you will need it.


03/28/25 – 1:30 pm – fast Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a mutable conjunction with Neptune, the fifth aspect of the day, the Moon, now at 29 Pisces 56’, goes void-of-course for 6 minutes until entering Aries at 1:36 pm.  While the Moon may not always feel comfortable in Aries, when She comes in fast, She is at least up to speed and will get through it quickly.  Do you have something new that you can get started quickly?  Go for it, then, if you have things to finish, go back to them.


03/28/25 – 3:07 pm – fast Moon cardinal conjunction retrograde Mercury

This is the sixth aspect of the day and offers more of the same.  Following this, Mercury goes void-of-course for over 40 hours.  Think Mercury retrograde on steroids.  Just a spellcheck won’t do.  A grammar check and another spellcheck will be a good start.  This is a think, rethink, check, and recheck time.  Then read and reread all written correspondence, texts, posts, before rechecking them.  You may also want to ask a trusted coworker, friend, or family member to check it for you.  “It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.”  Abraham Lincoln.


03/28/25 – 7:12 pm – fast Moon waxing sextile Pluto

This is the seventh and final aspect of the day.  This might be a good time to reflect on your day and what you have accomplished and what you still need to do this month.  If you have time, you may want to review any new things you may have started and set aside, or perhaps haven’t started yet, just to make sure that you haven’t overlooked a priority item.


03/29/25 – 3:58 am – fast New Moon cardinal Solar Eclipse conjunct the Sun

This New Moon is at 9 Aries 00’ and is also a partial Solar Eclipse.  This eclipse will not be visible in the US.  The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “A scholar creates new forms for ancient symbols.”  Do you have an idea or message that you have been thinking about, but have been reluctant to act on?  The energy of this eclipse suggests that today may be your day to take action.  New Moon’s symbolize a time for new beginnings, and a New Moon that is also a Solar Eclipse lends more power to it.  If you have been holding back, ask yourself, if not now, then when?  Note any dreams, insights, feelings, or other sensations that may come to you in the night.  They have information to help and guide you as this energy could carry through into the afternoon.


03/29/25 – 2:32 pm – fast Moon waning sextile shadow Jupiter

This may be just another reminder to check your work to ensure that you don’t overlook anything that needs to be done by Monday, the 31st.


03/29/25 – 7:18 pm – retrograde Mercury returns to Pisces

As Mercury rejoins the crowd in Pisces there may be a sense of a letdown, or some may feel as if they are having more difficulty focusing or expressing themselves.  Unlike Venus who gains strength in Pisces, Mercury is weaker here as it is the sign of their fall.  Less than 30 minutes later (7:47 pm), Mercury will conjunct Neptune as He prepares for His return to Aries.  Though conjunctions symbolize new beginnings, with Mercury retrograde and Neptune involved, this conjunction may just add new uncertainty to whatever you may think you want to start.


03/30/25 – 2:18 am – fast Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a waning square to (OOBn) shadow Mars, the Moon, now at 23 Aries 05’, goes void-of-course for almost 11 hours.  You should consider just going with your morning routine or whatever you may have planned.  If you can, wait until the Moon enters Taurus before starting anything new.  Continue doing what you were doing yesterday or working on, things that you have already started.


03/30/25 – 5:00 am – Neptune enters Aries

This is Neptune’s first time in Aries since April 7, 1875, when He left Aries for Taurus.  That was 150 years ago.  What might His transit through Aries bring up?  He entered Aries April 13, 1861, as the first shots of the American Civil War were fired at Fort Sumter, South Carolina.  His previous transit of Aries was from April 30, 1697, to July 3, 1710, a time of unrest in Europe and North America as the English and French fought over Canada and the lucrative fur trade.  Now AI seems to be taking center stage which may be the 21st Century’s new “civil war.”


03/30/25 – 1:16 pm – fast Moon enters Taurus

The Moon is happy in Taurus as it is Her second home; however, coming fast into fixed earth Taurus may see some things suddenly slowing down, taking longer to develop or complete.  Don’t overexert yourself.


03/30/25 – 6:53 pm – fast Moon waxing square Pluto

This is the crisis of action square.  What actions did you take today?  What are you planning for tomorrow, the last day of March?


03/31/25 – There are no Exact Major or Inconjunct/Quincunx Aspects Today

Is this a good sign and will March be going out like a lamb, or does She have something special planned for US?  Just because the transiting planets aren’t making any aspect to each other doesn’t mean they won’t be making aspects to your natal planets.  You should stay alert and be prepared just in case one of them has a more personal message for you.


Forecast for April 2025

The old rhyme goes “April showers bring May flowers.”  While this may be true, it does look like April may have more than a couple of “storms” in store for us. 

As if to make up for yesterday, March 31, with no exact aspects, April 1 (April Fool’s Day), will have seven exact major aspects, all by the Moon, which will also change signs.  The 3rd offers up four crisis of action squares to set the mood for the daze (days) ahead, and, hopefully, with the Sun now over 17 degrees from the North Node, the current Moon Wobble will end or at least diminish.  The 5th will offer up six aspects again, this time five waxing and one conjunction.  On the 6th, Saturn will enter His Shadow for His 2025 retrograde.  The 7th offers up five exact major and two inconjunct/quincunx aspects to go along with Mercury stationing direct.  Things may shake up on the 8th as there will be five inconjunct/quincunx and two major aspects.  The 10th has six major aspects, four of them being oppositions.

Chiron is emphasized on the 12th as the Sun will conjunct Him in the morning and then the Moon will oppose Him in the afternoon, after which we have the Full Moon 23 Libra 20’.  This is followed by Venus stationing direct and then three inconjunct/ quincunxes in the evening.  Now there are no planets retrograde.  Time to press forward.  However, it should be noted that there are five planets moving through their shadows, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.  The 15th should be another busy day with five major, two inconjunct/quincunx aspects plus Mars and Mercury will go void of course and then Mercury returns to Aries.  On the 17th Mars will return to Leo.  On the 18th the Sun will go void-of-course and then enter Taurus on the 19th.  On the 20th there will be ten exact major aspects involving all the planets except Jupiter, who will seem to sit out this big dance.

On the 23rd the Sun will square Pluto, then on the 24th, Venus will conjunct Saturn.  On the 26th Mars will oppose Pluto for the third and final time for this orbit after which Mercury will be the first to leave their shadow.  On the 27th we have the New Moon at 7 Taurus 47’.  On the 29th there will be five exact major aspects followed on the 30th by Jupiter leaving His shadow to end April.

Astrology AstroWatch AstroWatch Transits
Jim Schultz

Jim has been a professional astrologer and Oraclist for over 15 years. As a child his favorite books were the encyclopedia and the Almanac. He continues to be intrigued by the Universe around us; always searching for answers and new questions. Should you ask, he will tell you there is no such thing as "TMI."

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16 responses to “AstroWatch”

  1. Jim Sher says:

    Pacific Daylight time is what is being used right now.

  2.' Leslee Cook says:

    I’m sorry I’m new to reading your column. I love the exact times but are you referring to PST or GMT?

  3. Jim Sher says:

    Yes, Katerina, Venus did enter Aquarius on Monday, January 2nd at 6:09pm PST.

  4.' Katerina Rellos says:

    Hi Jim, you mention Venus in Capricorn with the Cancer moon today. I have read other astrological sources which mention that Venus is now in Aquarius since January 2nd. I would appreciate you clearing up my current confusion regarding the actual Venus placement now. Thanking you in advance, Katerina Rellos

  5.' Diana Mrewinkel says:

    Re: your comment on “like kidney stones”, unfortunately not true. My father’s stones were subjected to lithotripsy back in the late 1990s. Maximum 3 treatments were permitted. His stones stood their ground. At least he was not in discomfort.
    I enjoyed this reading otherwise.

  6.' shakthi says:

    Interesting. Thank for your efforts!

  7.' Carmela Smith says:

    Thank you for your insights

  8.' Olivia Martinez says:

    It’s been a powerful Super Moon (March 9th) so far…also interesting it is so near Venus conjunct Uranus. It feels like really big things are happening on every front.

  9. James Schultz says:

    Here are the basic astrological details of His Royal Highness, Prince of Cambridge. Weight 8 lbs. 6 oz., according to news reports, the heaviest future King by birth weight in 100 years of more. Correct birth time is July 22, 2013, 4:24 pm, London, England.

    A true “cusper” with Sun 29 Cancer 58. Moon 28 Capricorn 17, which means that HRH was born less than 3 hours before the full Moon at 0 Aquarius. Birth ascendant is 27 Scorpio 10 and his birth M/C is 20 Virgo 36. He was born with 7 of the 10 primary points in Cardinal signs and 6 of them in water signs. He has a Grand Water Trine of Mars 6 Cancer and Jupiter 5 Cancer trining Saturn 5 Scorpio and trining Neptune 5 Pisces. He also has a Cardinal T-square with Mercury 13 Cancer opposing Pluto 9 Capricorn and both squaring Uranus 12 Aries. He has none of the 10 primary points in an Air sign and 3 of them are retrograde. 3 retrogrades is the second most common number, 2 being the most common. Born with Mars out-of-bounds north might he be a rather precocious child, to say the least.

  10.' Iolé says:

    What a time to be born for the new prince-princess in England!
    Leo sun, Cancer planets: care for the family = the Kingdom, Aquarius Moon- we need open minds in the future!

  11.' Dane Sullivan says:

    Hey Jim,
    Source: Astronomical Phenomena For the Year 2013, prepared by US Naval Observatory and Her Majesty’s Nautical Almanac which defines lunar eclipse time as Moon reaching centermost point of its journey thorough the shadow cast by the earth, and solar eclipses timed for maximum obscuration — typically different from time of simple conjunction. However, I note the Rosicrucian Ephemeris, citing JPL and the US Naval Observatory call it at 5:21. I’m betting there’s yet another computation out there.

  12. Jim Schultz says:

    Hi Dane, thank you for your comment. Not sure what your source for the eclipse time is. I use Solar Fire 8 for the dates and times I post. The time is based on the exact conjunction of the Sun and Moon which is 5:28 pm PDT. The NASA eclipse site shows a time of 5:26 pm PDT.

  13.' Dane Sullivan says:

    Probably just an editorial slip, but believe the May 9 eclipse doesn’t happen until 5:55 at 19 Taurus 33. Enjoy your observations!

  14.' andy says:

    “01/18/13 – 12:56 am – Mercury conjunct Sun 28 Aquarius 26”
    Sun still in Capricorn

  15.' Donna says:

    Oh boy! I am not an astrology student, however, I do enjoy reading your article every week. I have picked up the tiniest sliver of what is being discussed and from what I am able to glean, July sounds like it has the potential to be rather challenging. As a Taurus, I was happy to have read about the Mercury retrograde before it happens! I will be carefully watching my “p’s & q’s ” throughout the month and refer back to the entirety of the article – changes are a-comin’ for sure.
    Thanks for your work!

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