AstroCast: November 11 - 24, 2019

Posted on November 13, 2019
Posted by Kimberly Maxwell

It is a busy time in the heavens above as on earth below over the next couple of weeks. If it becomes overwhelming, we could practice focusing only on the single most important thing in any given moment. We can only do one thing at a time. 

The “Inferior Conjunction” between the Sun and retrograde Mercury at 18°55’ Scorpio on November 11 may bring some clarity to perplexing issues we have been dealing with. The Mercury cycle coming to a close has indeed been intense, as is the way of Scorpio, but for many I’ve spoken with and in my own experience, it has had a positive effect of compelling us to get to the heart of the matter to understand it more fully. The inner push to finish the affairs of the now ending Mercury cycle has seemed more necessary than ever. This ‘new moon’ phase of the next cycle commonly corresponds to seed ideas arising that will develop over the next four months. This important new cycle governing how we think, perceive and communicate may have greater impact as it encompasses the two eclipses and the threshold of a new era-defining Saturn/Pluto cycle described in previous posts. It will require our full and complete attention with no nagging unfinished business to pull us back into the past. 

The Sun/Mercury conjunction is still tight as the Full Moon unfolds the next day, November 12, at 19°52’ Taurus/Scorpio. If we have been aligning with the Scorpionic theme of the current lunar cycle that guided us to pay deep attention to how we really feel about something, this harvesting moment may correspond with greater awareness and courage to express the fullness of our feelings to others without holding back. The Full Moon harmoniously re-energizes the Saturn/Neptune waning sextile that was exact last week and also is aligned with Scorpio’s ruler, Pluto. This suggests that our efforts to be more emotionally authentic will be rewarded. Expressing our truth if nothing else feels liberating and healing. It also opens us to being more compassionate with others as well as ourselves. 

On November 13, Mercury sextiles Saturn and trines Neptune (for the second of three times over this past month due to its retrograde). These aspects were unfolding as the world celebrated the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and what it meant for the progress of democracy. 1989 was the year of three exact conjunctions of Saturn/Neptune that commenced their current cycle and heralded this boundary dissolving moment. Now at the waning sextile, we are finishing up the mission of the cycle and discovering what is important to take into the next cycle, which commences in 2026. German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s speech at the anniversary celebration summed it up eloquently: “No wall that keeps people out and restricts freedom is so high or so wide that it can’t be broken down… The values that Europe is based on – freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law, respect for human rights, tolerance – these are definitely not to be taken for granted. And they have to be lived, and defended again and again… This is more relevant than ever in these times of profound technological and global change.” 

On November 20, Mercury ends its retrograde phase when it turns direct at 11∞35’ Scorpio. Now that the review period is complete, logjams should be resolved and the flow of activity will open up as new projects get underway. Mercury now commences its third pass of the ‘shadow’ degrees 11° to 27° Scorpio it first entered on October 11. Until it leaves this space on December 7, we will continue to be looking deeply at the major issues requiring our attention during this transit. Being hyper focused on one area of our personal chart for this length of time will likely reveal how our thinking/behaving has shifted since early October. Especially at times of overwhelm, when so many things seem to clamor for our focus, making choices about what is most important in the moment can effectually purge that which is not truly valuable at our core and consequently buy the attention units we need to more consciously and purposefully walk our unique path.

The Sun makes its annual return to Sagittarius on November 22 where it archetypally expresses as visionary and able to see how all the unique parts fit into the whole of something, within another whole, within even greater wholes. Experiencing all existence in this way can uplift our spirits with a sense of fascination and delight at the far-reaching meaning of it all. As we are now heading into the end of the year, it is also a time when we reflect on what has transpired in 2019. Looking at the panorama of our thoughts, relationships and activities, we may see whether they supported a movement to develop the “art of living together,” which is the lesson of Sagittarius, or not. What part have we played in each successive whole, from our most intimate relationships, to family, to all the groups and organizations we associate with, society, our earth family and even beyond? We may see in our reflections how we are a significant part of a magnificent network of cosmic intelligences and spirit helpers that depend on us to grow and evolve so they can grow and evolve. 

Venus in Sagittarius forms a conjunction with Jupiter on November 24 marking a new annual cycle for this planetary pair. Jupiter in its ruling sign inspires and brings philosophical meaning to life; Venus in this adventurous sign seeks wide-vision encounters that reflect our values and benefit all involved. This is the second annual Venus/Jupiter cycle commencing in Sagittarius in a row and correlates to much public discourse about how our society can effectively operate to include people of all cultures and persuasions. How well we have learned the art of living together is reflected in the laws we collectively agree upon that reveal how our values have evolved. Venus/Jupiter in Sagittarius guides us to have new experiences with others that will bring greater understanding of and mutual respect for our differences as well as our common bonds.

Also on November 24, Mars in Scorpio forms an opposition to Uranus in Taurus. This is the full moon phase of the Mars/Uranus cycle that began with the conjunction on February 12, 2019 at 29° of Mars ruled Aries, the urgent last degree of the sign of Selfhood. Uranus, now in Taurus for a seven-year stay, has been awakening us to our “disability of values,” and how collectively we have regressed in reaching for our ideals. This culminating point of the Mars/Uranus cycle could mark a breakaway moment when we declare our independence from the mediocrity of common consensus. It could generate a powerful internal lightening rod of clarity that catapults us to a new level of creativity, which brings high value simply for the joy of creating and expressing our unique talents. As Carl Jung said, “Personality as a complete realization of the fullness of our being is an unattainable ideal. But unattainability is no counter argument against an ideal, for ideals are only signposts, never goals.” With Uranus in this mix, our signposts may become the outposts of thought that will drive us forward into the full light of day in the Age of Aquarius.

AstroCast Astrology AstroCast Astrology Scorpio
Kimberly Maxwell

A student of the Sher Institute since 2008, Kimberly has been writing AstroCast since 2012. A long-time Los Angeles resident, Kimberly gives astrological consultations, has various artistic pursuits including the development of a burgeoning creative hub in her community, and works in international television distribution at a major studio.

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2 responses to “AstroCast: November 11 – 24, 2019”

  1. Jim Sher says:

    Yes it is, Jacob. it’s fixed. Thank you for letting us know.

  2.' Jacob says:

    Isn’t it he 30th not 40th anniversary of fall of the Berlin Wall ? I was there !

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