AstroCast: October 27 – November 10, 2019

Posted on October 29, 2019
Posted by Kimberly Maxwell

A new lunar cycle commences on October 27 when the Moon conjuncts the Sun at 4∞25’ Scorpio. The New Moon is in exact opposition to Uranus in Taurus, archetypally ensuring the cycle will unfold with some kind of surprise, liberating revelation or deep psychic secrets coming to light for transformational healing. Scorpio is about merging with other, on all levels. It is related to physical encounters as well as emotional/psychological and spiritual ones. It is also concerned with shared resources, how we merge with other via the wealth of assets we have, material and otherwise, that help us manage life. Scorpio investigates life at the atomic level to understand at the root the mechanisms of this reality. One who understands how things really work at a fundamental level, also understands how to effect change through focused intention. Hence, Scorpio correlates to issues of power and control. Depending on one’s intent, attempts to manipulate “nature’s course” can express in ways that move us either towards the light of consciousness and loving connectedness, or deeper into the darkest places of fear and separation from love. The more conscious and connected we are with what makes us tick, the more we will be able to navigate this potentially volatile cycle in ways that help us evolve rather than devolve. 

The New Moon is a time when seed ideas are planted. We don’t know what will happen over the course of the cycle, but have a sense that if we remain open to new possibilities, anything can happen. Under Uranus’ intense archetypal influence what develops may be radically different from what we could have imagined and unfold at lightening speed with shocking or at least unexpected news that catapults us into new ways of thinking about our reality. As a counterpoint to the nascent new moon phase, the Sun moves into its exact opposition with Uranus on October 28 marking the culminating full moon phase of the current Sun/Uranus cycle that began with their conjunction on April 22, 2019 at 2∞31’ Taurus. What was set in motion around that time may now be coming to coming to a head. Uranus urges us to stretch out of our comfort zones and into unfamiliar territory as the way to evolve into our true unique self. The Sun represents our purpose and the will to act on it from the heart. This planetary pair cycle relates on a metaphysical level to viewing our developing uniqueness in connection to the unique need we are here to serve. In Taurus, Uranus answers to that sign’s ruler, Venus, which indicates our relationships and sense of what we find valuable will be most affected. Venus, along with Mercury, is currently in deeply passionate and powerful Scorpio, further emphasizing the need to move towards greater emotional authenticity in how we relate and express in order to experience the deepest connections possible. 

Other archetypal qualities in play over the next couple of weeks will incite action and give us indefatigable energy to build on what we need to manifest. Mars in Libra forms a square to the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn that peaks October 27 to November 5. This is the waning third quarter “crisis of consciousness” phase of Mars’ cycle with both Saturn and Pluto that began in April 2018. Mars relates to self-assertion and in Libra that assertion also encompasses an awareness of others’ rights to self-determination. Venus also rules Libra, so relationships and values are again underscored. The Saturn/Pluto alignment in effect all of 2019 and 2020 will reach the end of its current cycle in January 2020 and begin a new one thereafter. While it may be common to think of the more negative affects of the Saturn/Pluto planetary pair related to extreme limitations or brutal crack downs, it can also relate to heroic efforts on all levels as well as transformational developments in the structures of daily life. The current cycle began with the last conjunction in 1982, the year that marked the debut of the internet and cell phones for public use. These innovations steadily took hold and now are vastly supportive pillars of our structures for living. Tremendous strides can happen when these two planetary dynamos join forces. Rather than regard the problems of our world with powerless dismay, this is a time to identify our unique purpose that will serve a unique need for the greater good. 

Travelling in tandem since the beginning of September, Mercury and Venus initially conjunct on September 13 and due to Mercury slowing down will conjunct a second time on October 30 with Mercury at a near standstill as it prepares to turn retrograde on October 31 at 27∞38’ Scorpio. The Mercury/Venus planetary pair filtering through Virgo first, then Libra and now Scorpio, has shifted the focus of this congenial, communicative archetype from being of service, to engaging harmoniously with others, to delving into the deeper waters of our emotional connections. Their alignment gives the retrograde period a more intense focus on relationships and values. (For more on the meaning of this Mercury retrograde period read Jim Sher’s article.) Mercury will form the second of three sextiles to Scorpio’s ruler Pluto (due to the retrograde) on November 9. This emphasizes the “all in” transformational nature of the review period where being real with others is paramount.

On November 8, Saturn in Capricorn forms a waning sextile to Neptune in Pisces, both strong in their ruling signs. This is the third and final exact aspect for this alignment in effect all year (the first and second on January 31 and June 18), the main focus of which is to remind us of the need to maintain compassion for self and other as we experience the increasing day-to-day pressures of this year that are squeezing us down to bare essentials and forcing us to take greater responsibility for our state in life. The Sun in Scorpio forms a sextile to Saturn and trine to Neptune also on November 8. At a time when values are being emphasized, it behooves us to remember that Love above all is the most precious commodity in all existence. It embodies our cosmic connectedness and infuses our structures for living with meaning and purpose. Anything done with the powerful intent of expressing unconditional love can manifest realistic dreams on a shoestring budget.

AstroCast Astrology AstroCast Astrology Scorpio
Kimberly Maxwell

A student of the Sher Institute since 2008, Kimberly has been writing AstroCast since 2012. A long-time Los Angeles resident, Kimberly gives astrological consultations, has various artistic pursuits including the development of a burgeoning creative hub in her community, and works in international television distribution at a major studio.

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2 responses to “AstroCast: October 27 – November 10, 2019”

  1.' Maharshi says:

    Thanks for Sharing Article..

  2.' swamy says:

    Very Nice Post…

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