AstroCast: December 4 – 10, 2018

Posted on December 4, 2018
Posted by Kimberly Maxwell

The New Moon in Sagittarius on December 6 and its attendant aspects have the archetypal power to thrust us into a wide cosmic vision. As the lunar cycle unfolds this month we may be inspired to explore new territories of thought or seek unfamiliar experiences with the express intent to expand our awareness of all that is. Sagittarius is a fire sign that represents the processes by which we assimilate knowledge and gain wisdom. It understands that experience is the best teacher and that the more we embrace the fullness of life the more open we are to unforeseen opportunities. The Sun and Moon, representing our purpose/animus and soul/anima, united in Sagittarius empowers us to have greater appreciation for the unique cultures of the world and to seek ways to live together in harmony.

Mercury in Scorpio turns direct on December 6 just hours before the New Moon, symbolically representing a quiet mind waiting at the gate of wisdom to subtly receive information from its mysterious source. Our perception becomes sharpened and thoughts clearer under this esoteric vibration. We may have a sudden revelation or finally see the answer to something we had been contemplating during the retrograde review period that began on November 16. Whatever ideas have been gestating since the Inferior Conjunction of last week, which marked the commencement of a new four-month Mercury cycle, may now begin to take shape so progress can occur. In Scorpio, Mercury is probing and works in the darker areas of the psyche where it gathers revealing information we may not want to acknowledge. Yet as Mercury pivots in the sky we may be compelled to go deeper into our thoughts to see what they are made of.

Truth-seeking Jupiter in its home sign of Sagittarius has significant influence at this time because it is exactly at the midpoint between stationing Mercury and the New Moon. Jupiter infuses this configuration with the motivation to break free from the shackles of the lies we tell ourselves. It beckons us to explore fearlessly the vast reaches of thought where the keys to existence are waiting to be found. We can begin this effort by remembering that knowledge is power and that its foundation is self-awareness, which goes beyond our psychological profile to understanding through a direct experience that the very nature of our Being transcends the physical body and material world. This is the road to true liberation.

The Sun, still in close orb to its square to Mars that was exact on December 2, moves into a square to Neptune, exact on December 5. As the Moon conjuncts the Sun on December 6 it also exactly squares Mars and Neptune in Pisces, which go on to form their exact conjunction on December 7. Mars in Pisces adds its sensitized force of creativity to the New Moon in the sign of the Explorer. Neptune’s strong presence in its home sign brings a subtle yet powerful ethereal quality that is best perceived through synchronicities, dreams and symbolic imagery. The square creates tension that usually correlates to some kind of difficulty, which requires the courage to show up with our full attention to resolve. The opportunity embedded in our struggles is to become more present in dealing with the matters at hand. If we remain open, we may feel help coming in from unseen forces at work beyond material reality. Mars/Neptune can be the spiritual warrior channeling its strong self-determining force into evolving towards love, the ultimate elegant solution to any problem.

However, for those who have not put effort into self-awareness, this formidable four-planet configuration can be expressed in a devolved way. Mars can be reckless, quick to anger and when it is in tense alignment with the Sun and Moon it can seem that everything is a battle. If we are too afraid to heed Neptune’s call to love we fall into its dark side of escapism, delusion and cowardice. It is well known that expressed rage at the individual level is out of control in our society with extremely high levels of gun violence and mass shootings. When we direct our anger at an external target it is often because we are deceiving ourselves as to our own nature’s chaotic state within. The Neptune factor can also lead to seducing ourselves into thinking our actions are noble.

The Sagittarius Sun/New Moon in square to Mars/Neptune in Pisces at the moment Mercury turns direct in Scorpio asks us to look at our rage and own it. It offers a spiritualizing force that can give us the courage to be honest about our internal state and let go of the need to blame others for our lot in life. The cosmos this week may inspire us to rise above victimhood and take responsibility for every single choice we make that paves the road we travel. Powerful intent is the best weapon we have to conquer our alienating fears.


I honor those who try

to rid themselves of any lying,

Who empty the self

And have only clear being there.




Here’s the data for the major aspects this week (Pacific Time):


December 5 – Sun square Neptune at 13°43’ Sagittarius/Pisces at 2:22 p.m.

December 6 – Mercury station direct at 27°16’ Scorpio at 1:22 p.m.

December 6 – Moon conjunct Sun (New Moon) at 15°07’ Sagittarius at 11:20 p.m.

December 7 – Mars conjunct Neptune at 13°44’ Pisces at 6:12 a.m.


AstroCast Astrology AstroCast Astrology Scorpio
Kimberly Maxwell

A student of the Sher Institute since 2008, Kimberly has been writing AstroCast since 2012. A long-time Los Angeles resident, Kimberly gives astrological consultations, has various artistic pursuits including the development of a burgeoning creative hub in her community, and works in international television distribution at a major studio.

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