AstroCast: May 1 – 7, 2018

Posted on May 1, 2018
Posted by Kimberly Maxwell


Planetary activity is light this week with only three major aspects. Because two of them involve Neptune, we have the space to contemplate this outer planet’s transit through its home sign of Pisces on a deeper level. Now halfway through its 14-year sojourn through the sign that represents consciousness, Neptune has been quietly influencing a dynamic period of collective transition with many stalwart traditions and ways of life dissolving before our very eyes. For those who are able to resonate with Neptune’s mystical side, Neptune works to break down crystalized forms in order to reconnect us to the formless cosmos. On a personal level, its purpose is to dissolve the dysfunctional fear-based structures of personality are expressed in the everyday human reality. As this happens, we begin to experience and understand the magic and mystery of the much larger reality of the anima mundi. Neptune in Pisces is like having a double dose of this archetype that calls us to let go of ego and move towards a state of Unity Consciousness, the awareness that we are connected to each other and to the World.

At a cultural level, the current transit of Neptune in Pisces has correlated to an increase in the use of powerful symbolic imagery. The barrage of visual messaging available through social media, computer gaming, film and television works subliminally to evoke strong emotional responses. Furthermore, the question of what is real or not in news reporting has itself become news. If we pursue this discussion of what is real and what is not real on a philosophical level, it can lead us to question the very nature of reality itself. This is the Neptune process at work. Halfway through its transit through Pisces, we are beginning to collectively awaken to these themes. If we inquire more deeply into them, we will develop discernment and make choices to move away from external chaos and internal conflict caused by unconscious reactions to that which we are experiencing. Once disengaged from subliminal triggers, we become aware of our role in the realm of holistic consciousness to move into a state of Love.

On May 6, the Sun in Taurus forms a sextile to Neptune, an inspiring aspect that can lead us to cooperate with Neptune’s archetypal power of imagination. Paying attention to dreams, visionary thoughts or any kind of signs that appear to us as we go about our day can evoke a meaningful experience. Experiencing art in any form also helps us to connect to the archetypal nature of Neptune, which delves into the universal themes that touch the human spirit. Neptune elevates the Sun in Taurus’ emphasis on beauty to a state of being. Simply doing anything for its own sake without thought of reward can put us into an intrinsic state of beauty that is harmoniously aligned with the cosmic forces of Love. The Sun in Taurus is attuned with the natural rhythms of life and focuses on the value of things, experiences and relationships. In alignment with Neptune, it can open us to see that we are all netted to each other, to all things and the larger reality. If we allow this ocean of consciousness (Neptune) to envelop our heart (Sun) even for a moment we can have a mystical experience of Total Love, which is the very nature of who we are.

The second aspect to Neptune, a square to Venus in Gemini on May 7, is an alignment that generates a need to resolve tension between the motivations and needs of both archetypes. Venus in Gemini actively seeks connections to exchange each other’s gifts of knowledge and experience. In contact with Neptune, the need for love in these interactions is increased. Under the romantic enchantment of Venus/Neptune we are therefore cautioned to be aware that others may not be what they seem. Without a clear vision of where one person begins and another ends, personal boundaries can become porous in unhealthy ways. For some it is easier to believe in a fantasy than to face the reality before us. It takes effort to engage authentically with others as they are, especially when they don’t behave according to our ideal of what they could be. The vision of love becomes delusional. Under this challenging influence, the most important Neptune rule to remember is: if you want to be loved, then be Love.

Another challenging square on May 7 between Mercury in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn can correlate to situations that force us to look at the level of authenticity in the way we perceive and communicate. If we are not consciously managing the forceful Pluto archetype working through us, we can devolve into mind games or compulsive thinking processes. We can work in a positive way with the Mercury/Pluto archetype by initiating a deep inquiry into the nature of the mind and how it works at its most fundamental level. Using Mercury’s skill at making connections, we can heed Pluto’s call to transform the mind by looking at any resistance we have to whatever is happening. We can connect to the depths of consciousness by being intensely focused in the present moment. In that state we can recognize the actual mechanisms of conditioning and belief systems that dictate patterns of behavior, which is the first step to being liberated from them.


Here’s the data (Pacific Time, rounded to the nearest whole degree unless otherwise noted):


May 6 – Sun sextile Neptune at 16°Taurus/Pisces at 6:56 a.m.

May 7 – Mercury square Pluto at 21°Aries/Capricorn at 1:52 a.m.

May 7 – Venus square Neptune at 16°Gemini/Pisces at 2:58 p.m.

AstroCast Astrology AstroCast Astrology Pisces Taurus
Kimberly Maxwell

A student of the Sher Institute since 2008, Kimberly has been writing AstroCast since 2012. A long-time Los Angeles resident, Kimberly gives astrological consultations, has various artistic pursuits including the development of a burgeoning creative hub in her community, and works in international television distribution at a major studio.

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