AstroCast: February 6 - 12, 2018

Posted on February 4, 2018
Posted by Kimberly Maxwell


The Sun, the icon of will and life force, and Venus, the ambassador of love and beauty, have been travelling together since December, correlating to a strong focus on relationships and core values. Archetypally, Venus modifies the Sun’s will to act by focusing its awareness on our connectedness with others. It realizes that in reality there is no action that does not affect another and therefore it is important to consider the impact one’s actions have. The Sun instills strength of purpose and creative self-expression to Venus’ focus on maintaining harmony and balance. Together, Sun/Venus is strongly motivated by a need to love and to be loved. In Aquarius, that love is focused on service to humanity and changing the world for the benefit of the greater good in ways that can be unpredictable and without regard for the judgments of others, or any rulebook they would consider part of an old-school mentality. As these planets move through the sign of the Futurist, the degree space between them is highly magnetized, becoming a vortex into which the increased velocity of their combined force evokes their conjunction in Capricorn on January 8, at which time they were in alignment with the same planets, Jupiter and Uranus, they reactivate this week.

Venus pulls ahead into a sextile to Uranus in Aries on February 6, a stimulating aspect that respects our connectedness, but also calls out our responsibility to contribute our unique gifts to civilization. Uranus rules Aquarius, making even more potent the imperative for individual awakening. It endeavors to break down dysfunctional patterns so the new can emerge, and does so in unexpected or shocking ways to compel us to respond spontaneously and creatively to each moment. The Venus/Uranus planetary pair favors unconventional relationships that honor the need to be at once in union with another and expressing one’s truth. The Sun’s influence on Venus here strengthens this principle, which is the paradox of relating. Love is the force that resolves this seeming dilemma of unity and individuality. When it is evolved from a mere projection of one’s heart onto another, Love is a conscious radiating force from within that recognizes we are all one.

On February 10, the Sun catches up to the square to Jupiter in Scorpio that Venus traversed last week. In Aquarius, the Sun is the iconoclast, motivated to break with convention and innovate. It is the rebel standing up for the freedom to express as an individual. Jupiter in Scorpio expands awareness into occult areas, and in its intense search for the truth and transformation, it can be ruthless in opening up that which would rather stay hidden. It is the great teacher digging for the gold of wisdom. The tension in the square alignment can create enough friction to push any kind of boundary until it yields a treasure of information that generates a leap into new territory. Sun/Jupiter together has tremendous vitality and the confidence to do anything. It also indicates leadership, a sense of nobility, and with Venus nearby, a gentler ability to persuade. Just as Venus was challenged by Jupiter to recognize the the love we have within is enough to satisfy our great need for it that is often projected outward, the Sun must recognize the seemingly insatiable need to grow must be guided by a strong soul purpose or risk the imbalance of excesses or a bloated ego. A big heart must be honest about its motivations behind sometimes misplaced generosity and a visionary explorer must be more intensely interested in its soul’s purpose than in its ego projections.

Venus leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on February 10, crossing the paradoxical threshold between the archetypes of being a unique individual and being one with all existence. On the path of human development, Pisces represents the end of the cycle of the 12 signs. At this stage, one must have learned the value and imperative of self-expression as well as the necessity of living in harmony with others in order to merge with life itself. The realm of Pisces is a sublime and mystical domain intimately familiar with other dimensions, but without putting effort into learning how to live this earth life in harmony, the pains of the world can be so overwhelming that one begs to retreat into the dream of an ideal. If the lesson of self-actualization is not fully experienced, Venus in Pisces can express as an unrealistic approach to love and relating with others, which then blocks a willingness to address true dysfunctions. Ultimately, it takes tremendous courage to simply be present in the daily reality of millions of souls in crisis who collectively create the violent and corrupt world we live in. Courage is the ultimate gift Pisces brings to the game of life and Venus here is tasked with bringing that courage into all relationships. Just imagine if showing up to ‘what is’ is all that is needed.


Here’s the data (Pacific Time and rounded to the nearest whole degree unless otherwise noted):


February 6 – Venus sextile Uranus at 25° Aquarius/Aries at 5:36 p.m.

February 10 – Venus at 0° Pisces at 3:20 p.m.

February 10 – Sun square Jupiter at 22° Aquarius/Scorpio at 3:21 p.m.




AstroCast Astrology Aquarius AstroCast Astrology Venus
Kimberly Maxwell

A student of the Sher Institute since 2008, Kimberly has been writing AstroCast since 2012. A long-time Los Angeles resident, Kimberly gives astrological consultations, has various artistic pursuits including the development of a burgeoning creative hub in her community, and works in international television distribution at a major studio.

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