AstroCast: January 2 - 8, 2018

Posted on January 1, 2018
Posted by Kimberly Maxwell


Many of the aspects that coalesced in the New Year’s Day Full Moon perfect this week, continuing the astral theme of responsibility and realism. The Sun and Venus travelling in tandem in Capricorn form a series of cooperative sextiles to Neptune in Pisces (January 2 – 3), then to Jupiter in Scorpio (January 8), a few hours after which they form an exact conjunction. The Sun and Venus together can correlate to an air of congeniality, but in Capricorn, the energies are likely to focus on endeavors that have a specific purpose. The Sun/Venus in Capricorn archetype has the ability to be charming as well as realistic and elevate efficient organization to an art form. Taking care of responsibilities can even seem enjoyable, especially when done in the company of others, although collaborations will only work if each person is fully committed. Their alignment with Neptune could further elevate collective endeavors with a sense of unity if whatever is being done serves the greater good. It may also activate our dreamtime with significant imagery or messages that have the potential to open us to a new awareness or simply inspire us to approach each day with more grace and compassion. The Sun/Venus alignment to Jupiter expands on these themes and may even bring opportunities for constructive growth for those willing to put forth effort. Together, these are inspiring as well as stabilizing aspects that can bring positive results to anyone dedicated to the steady progress of a long game.

Adding an element of the unknown to the potentially auspicious energy of the Sun/Venus/Jupiter/Neptune configuration, Uranus in pioneering Aries stations direct on January 2. This change of direction by “The Awakener” can create reverberations with effect for up to a month on either side of the event. Having moved back to within six degrees of a square to Pluto during its retrograde, the disruptive Uranus archetype is thus amplified with Pluto’s volcanic force, potentially triggering a resurgence of issues related to the dramatic restructuring of our society and other shocking changes we’ve been experiencing during the epochal Uranus/Pluto square in effect from 2007-2020. For example, the highly controversial new U.S. tax bill quickly signed into law on December 22 is having an immediate affect on others and myself in high tax states such as California and New York as we needed to take unprecedented steps before the end of 2017 in order to mitigate its effects in 2018.

The Uranus station, which can also correlate internal awakenings, is in a trine to Mercury that becomes exact on January 6. There is an affinity in this flowing alignment that can lead to breakthrough conversations and greater openness to hearing others’ points of view. Mercury in Sagittarius archetypally represents the desire to expand our consciousness through a broad set of adventurous experiences. In Aries, Uranus represents a strong need for freedom to develop one’s individuality and unique gifts. While the planets in Capricorn ask us to responsibly act within our power and authority, the Mercury/Uranus pair may compel us to ask ourselves “Who is the authority?” Are we making decisions from our own truth or are we dutifully following belief systems handed down through the ages? The third trine between Mercury and Uranus since November 25, this is a fertile time for examining how much we operate from common consensus and unconscious programming.

The series of sextiles between the Sun, Venus, Neptune and Jupiter is further enhanced when Mars in Scorpio moves into the alignment, first forming a conjunction with Jupiter on January 6. The Mars/Jupiter planetary pair in Scorpio can correlate to an intense, self-motivated drive to do things in a BIG way. Archetypally, Mars is empowered in Scorpio to express desires with deep passion. Jupiter expands on what it touches, seeking far-reaching experiences that deepen our understanding of the profound philosophical truths of life. In Scorpio, those truths are focused on deeply moving personal interactions and any experience that is transformational in nature. This seemingly uncontainable energy is best expressed through sports or dance. Join a drumming circle or engage in an enthusiastic inquiry into the truth regarding matters of life and death or the profound alchemic transition process between any state of being.

Amplifying the sense of the power and stamina available to serve just about any purpose, Mars segues into a sextile to Pluto in Capricorn on January 8. As the natural ruler of Scorpio, Pluto’s stealth force may become more noticeable under the Mars activation, which is essentially part of a formidable five planet sextile that continues to develop into next week: Sun/Venus/Pluto in Capricorn to Jupiter/Mars in Scorpio. With four planets in hard-working Capricorn, including Saturn that just commenced a 2.5-year stay in its home sign, it is probable the atmosphere may become more serious or even restrictive. But the energizing sextiles to Mars and Jupiter offer a wide bandwidth of dynamic productive energy that, with some concerted effort to take responsibility for all within our power and authority, could be very rewarding. Carpe diem.


Here’s the data (Pacific Time and rounded to the nearest whole degree unless otherwise noted):


January 2 – Sun sextile Neptune at 12° Capricorn/Pisces at 1:38 a.m.

January 2 – Uranus station direct at 25° Aries at 6:11 a.m.

January 3 – Venus sextile Neptune at 12° Capricorn/Pisces at 9:39 a.m.

January 6 – Mercury trine Uranus at 25° Sagittarius/Aries at 3:38 p.m.

January 6 – Mars conjunct Jupiter at 18° Scorpio at 4:39 p.m.

January 8 – Sun sextile Jupiter at 18° Capricorn/Scorpio at 4:07 a.m.

January 8 – Venus sextile Jupiter at 18° Capricorn/Scorpio at 8:13 a.m.

January 8 – Mars sextile Pluto at 19° Capricorn/Scorpio at 11:54 a.m.

January 8 – Sun conjunct Venus at 19° Capricorn at 11:02 p.m.


AstroCast Astrology AstroCast Astrology Full Moon New Year
Kimberly Maxwell

A student of the Sher Institute since 2008, Kimberly has been writing AstroCast since 2012. A long-time Los Angeles resident, Kimberly gives astrological consultations, has various artistic pursuits including the development of a burgeoning creative hub in her community, and works in international television distribution at a major studio.

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