AstroCast: September 19 - 25, 2017

Posted on September 18, 2017
Posted by Kimberly Maxwell

astrocast-headerBoth the Virgo New Moon on September 19 and the Sun’s ingress into Libra on September 22 represent the beginnings of new cycles, the lunar cycle lasting about a month and the seasonal Equinox cycle lasting about 3 months. Commencing within the same “new moon” lunar phase, these cycles correlate to an internal stirring of change that may not have reached conscious awareness. This suggests that we may have to confront a few ghosts of old patterns yet to be released. The predominant configurations in each chart indicate a strong celestial focus on the commencement of new ways of being. As I write this, two very large crows are hanging out in my front yard squawking and flitting about. In Native American animal medicine, the Crow represents change and its deep black color parallels the New Moon symbolism of creation, “the womb out of which the new is born.”

Looking deeper into this animal totem reveals a correlation to the Mercury/Mars conjunction opposite Neptune in each chart (exact September 22-24). Crow is considered keeper of sacred law and master of “shape shifting,” the conscious act of bending the laws of the physical universe. Our attention to detail (Mercury in Virgo) and methodical way of acting (Mars in Virgo) in polarized alignment with the planet of unified cosmic vision (Neptune in Pisces) challenges us to recognize spirit operating at the nuclear core of matter. Under these astral conditions things that once seemed solid may appear changeable simply through a shift in thought patterns. As an experiment, next time something seems blocked, take a step back and look at it with Neptunian diffused vision to magically see an alternate route.

The New Moon and Equinox charts have a “locomotive” pattern with Venus as the leading planet driving the action in trine to agent-of-change Uranus in Aries as the motivating caboose, with all other planets lined up in between like individual cars on a train. Venus newly in Virgo (ingress on September 19) joins the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars to boost the lunar cycle with down-to-earth Virgoan practicality and service to others. The challenge associated with Venus in Virgo, which becomes its gift when mastered, is to have “tolerance” of others who express differently in their sense of balance, beauty, art and way of expressing love.

The Sun at the Equinox point adds fuel to Libra’s ruler Venus as the locomotive engine for the coming season. May cooler heads prevail when world leaders converge at the United Nations this week for the annual General Assembly Debate. The Sun in the sign of the diplomat is challenged to master the gift of “ease” in relating with others and learn to recognize its tendency to overcompensate when trying to please. Deference may appear to be a sign of respect, but at the cost of stifling one’s truth it could throw relationships out of balance. Understanding how to maintain equilibrium in any given situation is an art form in itself and when achieved creates a loving balance sensed by everyone.

We are moving towards a very significant transit that actually started on March 2nd. It is the opposition between Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries, which will make its third and final opposition on September 27th. This transit underscores the need for openness to change amidst forces of instability and even upheaval. This alignment correlates to an expanding need for equanimity in relationships that can be achieved through mutual encouragement towards open communication. It can create significant new opportunities which may surprise and even shock us. (More on this aspect in the next AstroCast.)

Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn in the New Moon chart (exact September 22) represents mental power achieved through authenticity and an understanding that power rests with those who have mastered the fundamentals of life. These attributes will be needed to overcome a stuck mindset that may be triggered when Mercury segues to a square to Saturn in Sagittarius in the Equinox chart (exact September 25). Saturnian obstacles are all about tests of our very foundation in the physical reality to ensure it can withstand the velocity required for an enlightenment experience. In essence, this is the principle of shape shifting, so if in need, call on Crow to align with this sacred law of the cosmos.


Here’s the data (Pacific Time and rounded to the nearest whole degree unless otherwise noted):


September 19 – Venus at 0° Virgo at 6:15 p.m.

September 19 – Mercury opposes Neptune at 12° Virgo/Pisces at 8:50 p.m.

September 19 – Moon conjunct Sun (New Moon) at 27° Virgo at 10:30 p.m.

September 22 – Mercury trines Pluto at 17° Virgo/Capricorn at 10:59 a.m.

September 22 – Sun at 0° Libra at 1:02 p.m.

September 24 – Mars opposes Neptune at 12° Virgo/Pisces at 12:50 p.m.

September 25 – Mercury square Saturn at 22° Virgo/Sagittarius at 7:36 a.m.





AstroCast Astrology Astrology
Kimberly Maxwell

A student of the Sher Institute since 2008, Kimberly has been writing AstroCast since 2012. A long-time Los Angeles resident, Kimberly gives astrological consultations, has various artistic pursuits including the development of a burgeoning creative hub in her community, and works in international television distribution at a major studio.

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2 responses to “AstroCast: September 19 – 25, 2017”

  1. Jim Sher says:

    To Ken:
    Neptune asks us to look at that which connects us. If we only focus our attention on the physical forms we miss recognizing the core atomic energy that is the essential building block of virtually all existence and is perhaps best described in layman terms as a form of light. To look at something with Neptunian diffusion means to back off the focus of our vision on the lines created by the different forms and widen our field of vision to give it a diffused quality. In doing this you can begin to see things differently and with practice may actually see the light of the energy shimmering throughout everything. It is a way of seeing how all creation is connected.

  2.' Ken says:

    Please define ‘Neptunian diffused vision’.

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