AstroCast: September 11 - 18, 2017

Posted on September 11, 2017
Posted by Kimberly Maxwell


This has been quite the lunar cycle with so many natural disasters unfolding globally since the inertia shattering August 21 total solar eclipse. In traditional astrology, eclipses were seen as precursors of dark times. It is natural for the mind to want to make meaning out of spectacular events, but the types of metaphors we concoct are often squeezed into very limited worldviews. For example, certain religious fundamentalists see the current natural disasters as an initiation into the “end of days” brought on by the “sinful” behavior of others, a narrow-minded belief system locked in polarized dualism. From a broader perspective, these disasters are giving us an opportunity to explore their meaning by looking at the effects of collective human behavior over time. We may not be able to control hurricanes and earthquakes, but we can control decisions on how, what and where to build, for example, and design more efficient emergency plans that protect everyone, especially the poor who are the most impacted by natural disasters.

The astrology of our times does correlate to unfolding “biblical” events, which is generally the case with significant outer planet alignments. We’re still in the storm surge wake of the era changing first quarter “crisis of action” Uranus/Pluto square, the larger consciousness system’s wake up call telling us we are collectively way out of balance with the cosmos and need to shift to a state of unity that recognizes when others suffer we all suffer because everything in the cosmos is netted. The sense of urgency developing out of the current harsh realities is yet another butt kick we need to evolve to a higher state of consciousness. Some of us do go willingly with a full and present mind put in the service of our true being, and consequently suffer much less. The gazillion dollar question is why doesn’t everyone? In response to that you could say at the moment Mother Nature is commencing her own revolution (Uranus in Aries) against man’s inhumanity to man, the public face of which is seen in our governmental and corporate leadership (Pluto in Capricorn).

Venus in Leo trines Saturn in Sagittarius on September 12 and Uranus in Aries on September 17, forming a grand fire trine in spirit igniting fire signs that archetypally shows us how to responsibly respond (Saturn) to the imperative to wake up to who we are (Uranus) as creative netted beings and restore balance to our lives (Venus in Leo). Venus represents the feminine, bringing the force of Yin into play as it harmoniously aligns with the planet of structure (Saturn) and the planet of change (Uranus). Recognizing our imbalanced world is suffering from a Yin deficiency, the symptoms of which are excessive heat, dryness and an overworked body with inadequate rest, the equalized Venus/Saturn/Uranus configuration symbolically represent an ability to work together (Venus) to build in a way that preserves the integrity of society (Saturn) as well as the dignity and uniqueness of each individual (Uranus). This alignment can also correlate to breakthrough (Uranus) agreements (Venus) that endure (Saturn). On September 15, Venus pulls in Jupiter in Libra’s philosophical approach to balanced relationships with an encouraging sextile. How can we experience equanimity and justice, express our truth and still get along in ways that serve the spiritual philosophy of the cosmos? On September 18 Venus crosses the eclipse point intensifying Venus’ challenge to learn how to get along with respect and love for all without fear of differences in viewpoints and life experiences.

On September 13, the Sun in Virgo squares Saturn, taking us to task for not acting responsibly in our lives. If we blame others for our hardships then Saturn generally correlates to increasing levels of difficulty that test our ability to respond with integrity. The more responsibility we take for our lives, the fewer hurdles we experience because we are doing our job, building endurance along the way as well as a sense of willingness to gladly manage any difficulty we experience. With the Sun in health-conscious Virgo, leaders will be challenged to respond to the disasters with a pure sense of service to others rather than taking advantage through self-preserving, shortsighted actions.

With a Mercury/Mars conjunction on September 16 people could be strongly speaking out, perhaps in highly critical ways due to the Virgo influence on the planets of communication and action. The symbolic mind and body united in the sign known for its analytical and discriminating nature will want to rectify all that is inefficient, impractical and impure. In the aftermath of the natural disasters, this astral combination may correlate to a desire to investigate climate change by taking a more detailed look into its effects on the wellbeing of the global population as well the planet.


Here’s the data (Pacific Time and rounded to the nearest whole degree unless otherwise noted):


September 12 – Venus trine Saturn at 21° Leo/Sagittarius at 5:49 p.m.

September 13 – Sun square Saturn at 21° Virgo/Sagittarius at 7:58 p.m.

September 15 – Venus sextile Jupiter at 25° Leo/Libra at 12:44 p.m.

September 16 – Mercury conjunct Mars at 7° Virgo at 12:01 p.m.

September 17 – Venus trine Uranus at 28° Leo/Aries at 9:25 p.m.





AstroCast Astrology
Kimberly Maxwell

A student of the Sher Institute since 2008, Kimberly has been writing AstroCast since 2012. A long-time Los Angeles resident, Kimberly gives astrological consultations, has various artistic pursuits including the development of a burgeoning creative hub in her community, and works in international television distribution at a major studio.

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One response to “AstroCast: September 11 – 18, 2017”

  1. 52bluedots@comcast.ent' ilie light says:

    Very helpful. thanks!

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