Musings from the Philosopher’s Den 2017 August Eclipses

Posted on August 3, 2017
Posted by Jim Sher

Solar and Lunar eclipses occur every six months and can be important events in our lives. I have referred to them as ‘inertia destroyers’. They tend to shift the direction of things, often due to events that occur that we have little or no control over. At the same time, those events are often due to something in our lives we are not allowing to be fully real for us. One example of this might be a couple who have had problems for some time and suddenly the dynamic between them is no longer acceptable. In other words, the tension that has been growing now becomes something that cannot be ignored.

Lunar Eclipse August 7, 2017

There is a difference between a lunar eclipse (which occurs at the Full Moon) and a solar eclipse (which occurs at a New Moon.) This year the Lunar eclipse occurs first and is followed by the Total Solar eclipse on August 21st. A lunar eclipse is often associated with an intensification of emotions and feelings that have been repressed and held back and which suddenly come to the surface in a very powerful, and sometimes overwhelming way. This can lead to a cathartic experience that brings about relief after the intense feelings have risen into consciousness. In the middle of the experience it might seem like it will last forever, but it won’t. In a few days, one will become more able to process the feelings and begin to make the necessary changes in one’s attitude based on what has been revealed.

This lunar eclipse occurs at 15° Leo with the Moon at 15° Aquarius, but it will affect most anyone who has planets at 15° of any fixed sign, so it will include Scorpio and Taurus. When any eclipse occurs I look at what other important aspects are happening at the same time to add clarity. In this case, there is an exact square between Jupiter and Pluto. This creates an opportunity (Jupiter) to bring about some kind of transformation that can free oneself from any blockages preventing progress in one’s life. Pluto intensifies whatever it touches and in a cardinal sign may urge action that has been thought about for some time but for whatever reason just hasn’t been quite the right time to act.

Total Solar Eclipse August 21, 2017

Most people are already aware of this particular Total Solar eclipse as it passes over much of the U.S. The last time a total eclipse was visible from coast to coast was on June 8, 1918, 100 hundred years ago. This eclipse occurs at 28° Leo and affects anyone with planets at 28° of all fixed Signs (including Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius). It is often said that a solar eclipse can be 100 times stronger than a regular New Moon in its effects. Eclipses like this one often do bring important events for us to handle. The nature of these depends on how it affects one’s natal chart, but this one exactly trines Uranus which is likely to bring about a significant and perhaps sudden shift in the direction of one’s life. I do not think it is as negative as some ‘doom and gloom’ astrologers paint it to be, but sometimes we do have difficulty adjusting to change.

It is important to note that this solar eclipse conjuncts Donald Trump’s Ascendant and Mars. It is likely that given what we are already seeing, that even more will come to light about his behavior. Last summer when I ridiculed Trump, some readers left this blog and ridiculed me for using astrology to justify political stances. But, to me, Trump is no ordinary politician. He is a dangerous person in a job where he is over his head. There is no way of knowing how this eclipse will affect him personally, but it may cause his worries to increase even further.

Astrologers do use what is termed Saros cycles to interpret Solar eclipses so I will write an interpretation of a wonderful astrologer, Bernadette Brady, and her take on what she calls 1 North.

“Unexpected events involving friends or groups place a great deal of pressure on personal relationships. These relationship issues loom large as the eclipse affects the chart. The individual would be wise not to make any hasty decisions since information may be distorted and possibly false. There can be tiredness and some health problems attached to it.”

I have observed that many of her interpretations do seem quite good, but would add one more point. I believe that this eclipse may enable many of us to make wonderful shifts in our lives that take us into new territory. With Jupiter moving into an opposition to Uranus in early October, we will see all sorts of new opportunities come forward allowing us to make important constructive changes in our daily, economic and spiritual life.

I hope some of my readers will let us know what, if any, changes develop for them in the coming weeks.

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3 responses to “Musings from the Philosopher’s Den 2017 August Eclipses”

  1.' Tory says:

    This may sound silly, but yesterday a guy I’ve had a crush on for a while finally asked for my phone number. We’ve been talking for some time and thoroughly enjoying getting to know each other– I get the feeling in my gut that if we do get together this will be a big deal for us both, not a casual fling.
    So him asking for my number felt like an intentional step in that direction. We shall see, there are no guarantees– but hope springs eternal 🙂 And I think it’s no accident that it happened right before the lunar eclipse!

  2. Jim Sher says:

    To Donna:
    Hi again, Donna.
    We are doing many new things such as seminars, workshops, more new classes and even have much more of a Facebook presence with daily posts. I am glad you noticed.

    To answer your question, the closer the planets of the eclipse are to the natal chart, the more one can be affected by the eclipse. And yet, we all are likely to be affected to some degree, especially by the Total Solar eclipse on August 21st. Thank you for your question.

  3.' Donna Balsz says:

    Jim, How are you? It’s wonderful seeing all the growth surrounding you.

    Does the aspect in a personal chart have to be exact during an eclipse to be powerfully affected?

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