New Beginners Astrology Class Tuesday Nights Starting September 26, 2017

Posted on August 2, 2017
Posted by Jim Sher

Due to it being summer and many people taking vacations the new Beginning Astrology Class which was going to start on Tuesday on July 25, 2017 has been postponed till September 26, 2017. The first night of class will be at 7:30pm. However, all future class nights will start at 7:00pm.

This course is designed for true Beginning astrology students.  It lasts for 18 weeks and is composed of three 6-week sessions which run back-to-back.

This course will teach the basics of the signs, planets, houses, rulerships, aspects, configurations, and chart patterns.  Also, we will look at the basics of synthesizing these principles in the natal chart.  Finally, there will be an introduction of the subject of transits, which cover where the planets are now and how we are affected by them.

Click here  to learn more about our classes and our unique approach to teaching astrology.

There are still a few spaces available. Please contact Carol Pilkington at 818-975-0587 to register or if you have any questions.

Jim Sher

Jim brings over 35 years of experience as a therapist and transformational counselor to his practice of astrology, metaphysics, meditation and philosophy. He operates as a teacher and counselor and specializes in the use of discourse as a part of his teaching approach.

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