Gift of the Signs Libra Through Pisces June 10, 2017

Posted on June 4, 2017
Posted by CarolP

In my years of teaching students of astrology, I have found that most new students come into the class with many ideas of how the Signs operate and what they’re like. However, these ideas develop with only awareness of a person’s Sun sign. This creates in them a variety of distortions since every person has a complex chart that  involves much more than their Sun sign.

In this seminar I will present a more holistic approach that focuses on the needs and motivations of each Sign and then will go even deeper into the lessons a person might be able to learn from each one. The signs are not static. They do not define a person. What they can reveal is what a person can discover within the context of these Signs and how they can learn and grow from them.

This is the second part of the presentation of the 12 zodiac signs.  Libra through Pisces will be on June 10, 2017 from noon to 3:00 pm in our Culver City office (location and details provided upon registration).  The price is $55.00.  You must register online as space is limited to 15 people. If you were not able to make the first part of the series, that’s not a problem.  One is not contingent upon the other.  If you paid for the full series when it was originally announced then you are already set, you do not have to re-register and we will see you next week.

Whether your experience is of a novice, beginner, intermediate or advanced student of astrology you will walk away with a very different understanding of the signs as you may know them now.

We will take you beyond the limits of the traditional positive/negative polarity that often defines each sign. What we will offer and hope you walk away with is a paradigm shift in the way you view and experience the sign you were born under that provides a deeper understanding of your own and others nature and potential that will be up-lifting and empowering.

Please feel free to bring your birth information such as exact time of birth if you have it, date of birth and where you were born as we will put up as many of  your charts as time permits making this an interactive and enlivening program.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Carol Pilkington at 818-975-0587.  To register for either series or both click here.

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