
Posted on June 1, 2020
Posted by Jim Schultz

Jim Schultz

*Any times indicated are for the Pacific Time Zone.

*Refer to “AstroCast” by Kimberly Maxwell for more detailed information as these events unfold.

*Remember, these are just transits and they too, like a kidney stone, shall pass.


Forecast for February 1-10, 2025

Perhaps to make up for being the shortest month, February starts off with six exact major aspects, including three conjunctions and Venus going void-of-course on the 1st.  The 2nd offers three sextiles followed on the 3rd with Venus entering Aries.  On the 4th, Jupiter finally stations direct, leaving only Mars retrograde.  The 5th offers up five exact major aspects followed by three on the 6th.  Things may kick up a notch on the 7th as there will be five exact major and two quincunx aspects.  This combination will repeat on the 9th followed by four exact major aspects on the 10th.


02/01/25 – 1:02 am – fast Moon waning water trine retrograde (OOBn) Mars

This is the first of six exact major aspects today.  Five of the aspects are by the Moon, and five involve at least one water sign suggesting this could be a rather emotional, even dramatic day for some.  Today also includes three conjunctions involving the Moon, Venus, and Neptune.  Today could be a good day to begin manifesting a dream you have as the three conjunctions all say time to start something new.  But what?  This could be an opportune time to begin manifesting a special dream; however, proceed with caution and be very diligent or you may end up watching as Neptune tries to dissolve your dream.  As always, whenever Neptune is involved, pay close attent-ion to any dreams, including daydreams.  Note as much detail as you can recall about them.

The waning trine is the pause and plan your next actions trine with emphasis on older or other work that needs to be completed.  If you have any work left over from January that should have been completed, that is where you should probably start.


02/01/25 – 5:54 am – fast Moon waning sextile Uranus

This is the second aspect of the day and the last aspect before their conjunction.  You may want to start your day by focusing on finishing any leftover work from January.


02/01/25 – 8:33 am – shadow Venus conjunct Neptune

The third aspect is also the first of three conjunctions between this pair as Venus is preparing to go retrograde in four weeks.  Conjunctions symbolize a new beginning; however, with two more to come in their cycle, whatever you start now you may end up revisiting again and again.  Will you need to start over or perhaps just make some adjustments to your plans?  Keep in mind that this is just the first of three conjunctions today with the Moon, Venus, and Neptune each involved in two of them.  Make it something special.  Be thorough, start slow as you will need to make some adjustments to it and Neptune isn’t always the most trustworthy.


02/01/25 – 1:49 pm – fast Moon conjunct Neptune

This is the second conjunction and fourth aspect of the day.  Use this energy to review any plans you made earlier when it was Venus and Neptune that got together.  Pay attention to whatever is happening as it may provide some clues or insights that will help you clarify any questions when the Moon catches up to Venus in just a few minutes.

Just 17 minutes later (2:06 pm), the Moon will complete the day’s trifecta by conjuncting Venus for the fifth aspect of the day.  Is the Moon bringing a message from Neptune for Venus or perhaps She has Her own insights to add to the “new thing” you are starting. 

After this, both the Moon and Venus will go void-of-course.  The Moon’s will last for just over three hours entering Aries at 5:10 pm.  Avoid starting anything new during this time.  Venus’s void-of-course will last almost 58 hours as She won’t enter Aries until almost midnight on February 3.  This is a good time to work on existing relationships or to review your finances and budget.  Avoid starting new  relationships or making major or long-term financial commitments during this time.


02/01/25 – 8:40 pm – fast Moon waxing sextile Pluto

This is the sixth and final aspect of the day and is the first aspect after the conjunction.  With the Moon now in cardinal fire Aries, things may happen more quickly; however, you should avoid impulsive or hasty decisions or actions as you may overlook some important details.  While this may specifically relate back to any new thing you may have started at their conjunction on January 28, it could also relate to any new things started since then, including today.  Take time to review those new things.  How are they developing?  Did you forget or overlook any details?  Time to start planning for your next actions to keep or get them on track and moving forward.


02/02/25 – 8:35 am – fast Moon waxing sextile Mercury

This is the first of three sextiles by the Moon today.  The waxing sextile is the first aspect after the conjunction.  Like last evening’s sextile to Pluto, this is a review of any new things started recently and then make plans for what actions to take next.  The next aspect in the normal sequence is the crisis of action square.  Start planning what you will do then now.


02/02/25 – 12:03 pm – fast Moon waning sextile retrograde stationing Jupiter

Now we switch back to the closing sextile, the last aspect before the conjunction.  This afternoon is a good time to review any unfinished work from January that needs to be completed.  Perhaps there is something that you thought you had finished but maybe there are one or two details that you forgot or missed.  To be on the safe side, you may want to recheck things before calling them done.


02/02/25 – 5:23 pm – fast Moon waxing sextile Sun

Back to the waxing sextile, the first aspect after the conjunction.  As with the first aspect today, take some time to review any new things started recently or plans you have made for actions to take next.


02/03/25 – 2:19 am – fast Moon goes Void-of-Course

Twenty minutes after conjuncting Chiron, the Moon will make a waning crisis of consciousness square to out-of-bounds north retrograde Mars, after which She will go void-of-course for over 17 hours, which is pretty much the entire “normal” workday for most people.  Avoid starting anything new during this time.  If you must, proceed cautiously and methodically.  Check your work frequently.  Make sure you understand what is expected of you and that you have everything that you might need to complete the task.

What may be significant here is that Chiron is in Mars Aries home, suggesting the possibility of something happening suddenly, potentially an accident or some other type of medical issue.  Avoid impulsive actions.  Proceed with caution.  Note any dreams, insights, feelings, or other sensations.  Don’t assume that they are nothing to be concerned about.  Watch out for the other guy!  The one who causes accidents; and don’t be someone else’s “other guy!”


02/03/25 – 1:52 pm – Mercury waning air trine retrograde stationing Jupiter

This is the pause and plan your next actions trine as you focus on older work in progress or any other work that needs to be completed soon.  It could be something left over from last month or some new “special” project. 

Jupiter will station direct tomorrow at  11 Gemini 17’.  He has been at 11 Gemini since January 14, and won’t leave this degree until February 24, when He finally returns to 12 Gemini.  Those with planets or sensitive points at or near 11 Gemini, or these degrees of one of the other mutable signs, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces, may be feeling this the strongest.


02/03/25 – 6:44 pm – (OOBn) retrograde Mars waxing cardinal square Chiron

This aspect may be significant for some as Chiron is in Mars’ home sign of Aries and this is the crisis of action square.  If you are feeling compelled or being asked to do something that doesn’t feel right, you probably shouldn’t do it.  Trust your instinct.  Be proactive in matters of your health.


02/03/25 – 7:33 pm – fast Moon enters Taurus

The long Moon void-of-course is over.  Now in Her second home of fixed earth Taurus, you might want to take some time to review your day, particularly any new thing you may have had to start during the void-of-course.


02/03/25 – 11:12 pm – fast Moon waxing fixed square Pluto

It is late.  Are you still up or did something wake you?  This is the crisis of action square and may be Pluto’s way of getting your attention.  It could be about something that you forgot to do or something that you need to do first thing tomorrow.  If something woke you, note the time and what it was with as much detail as you can recall.


02/03/25 – 11:57 pm – shadow Venus enters Aries

The Venus void-of-course ends as She enters the home sign of Her mythic lover, Mars, Roman God of War.  Just because Mars is retrograde, and out-of-bounds north doesn’t mean we need to go there.  Chances are any suspicions you may have regarding a loved one are of your own making.  Sleep on it.  Note any dreams, feelings, or other sensations.  Talk to a trusted friend, confidant, or the other person involved.  Avoid impulsive actions, confrontations, and arguments.  On the upside, this can be a good time to take positive actions to strengthen or take existing relationships to the next level.  Keep in mind, Valentine’s Day is coming up soon.


02/04/25 – 1:40 am – Jupiter stations Direct

Finally, after more than 17 weeks, Jupiter is stationing direct.  He will be at this same degree for another 20 days before leaving 11 Gemini.  The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “A “slave” demands their rights of their “master/mistress.”  Have you been feeling put upon, taken advantage of, disrespected, or dismissed as if you are less than or don’t matter?  Jupiter is changing directions and at His strongest.  Now is the time to stand up for yourself.  If you won’t do it for yourself, don’t expect someone else to do it for you.  Be frank and honest.  You can never truly lose if you act with integrity and honesty.

As Jupiter retraces His steps back to 21 Gemini and beyond, opportunities may come up for you to “go big or go home.”  Be ready.


02/04/25 – 6:06 pm – fast Moon waxing fixed square Mercury

This is the crisis of action square.  With Mercury, messenger of the Gods involved, this may relate to the above Sabian Symbol and you speaking your truth.  Or it may relate to something you have been planning to do at home (the Moon is in Taurus), or at work.  Whatever you decide to do, say, or write, don’t forget, first do no harm!


02/05/25 – 12:02 am – fast Moon waxing fixed square Sun

This is another crisis of action square and the first of five exact major aspects, including three sextiles, by the Moon today.  Keep the tissue handy as it could be an emotional day for some and you may need to be their comfort stop …, or you might need them yourself.  With the Moon moving fast, things may happen more quickly than you expect.  Be flexible.  Pay attention to any dreams, insights, feelings, or other sensations that come to you in the night or on waking.

Less than two hours later (1:59 am), the Moon will make a waxing sextile to Saturn for the second aspect of the day.  Normally, this aspect would come before the crisis of action square and would give you time to plan what action to take.  It is still early, and most will be sleeping.  Perhaps another dream or insights will come to you to provide answers to what the best action to take might be.  Pay attention!


02/05/25 – 4:16 am – fast Moon waning sextile (OOBn) retrograde Mars

This closing sextile is the third aspect of the day.  You may want to start your day by either focusing on work that is due today, this week, or this month.  Avoid making any hasty or impulsive decisions.  Be extra attentive around your home, on your way to work, and at work as this could be a warning that an accident may be just “around the corner” waiting for you.


02/05/25 – 11:10 am – decelerating Moon conjunct Uranus

This is the fourth aspect of the day and marks the beginning of a new Moon Uranus cycle, their first since Uranus stationed direct.  Even though Uranus doesn’t appear to have moved forward yet, the reality is that He has always been moving forward.  What “new thing” would you like to start now?  Do you have an idea for something unique, creative, or inspirational?  Uranus is at His strongest as He gathers the strength to “begin moving forward” again.  Now is a good time to tap into your unique talent whether it be to start a new project or just step outside of your “box” in your daily, work, or personal life.


02/05/25 – 3:26 pm – decelerating Moon goes Out-of-Bounds North

The Moon is at 25 Taurus 46’ as She goes out-of-bounds North.  Zodiacally, this aligns Her with Algol, beta Perseus, generally considered to be one of, if not the most, malefic star visible to the unaided eye.  Mythologically, Algol is considered to be an eye in the head of Medusa, held in the hand of Perseus.  Symbolically, this is a time when one might “lose their head,” figuratively or literally.  Stay alert, be aware of your surroundings, and “don’t lose your head.”

North also represents the unknown, the sometimes “scary”“ future, but also what we bring into our lives to feed and nurture us.  With Jupiter also direct now and only Mars in apparent retrograde motion, this could be a good time to be bold, cautiously bold, but not careless.


02/05/25 – 7:29 pm – decelerating (OOBn) Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a waxing sextile to Neptune, the fifth and final aspect of the day, the Moon goes void-of-course for about 3 1/4 hours, entering Gemini at 10:44 pm.  As your day winds down, this looks to be an opportune time to review your day, what you have done, what still needs to be done, and make plans for tomorrow and what actions you should take to stay on track and keep moving forward.


02/06/25 – 1:17 am – decelerating (OOBn) Moon waxing sextile shadow Venus

This is the same aspect that the Moon made to Neptune last  night.  It is the first aspect following their conjunction February 1.  Did you start anything new around that date?  It was Saturday, perhaps something around your home or personal life?  What about since then?  Time to check in on any new  things started recently and assess how they are developing.  What do you need to, or should you do to keep those things moving forward? 

Just over 1 1/4 hours later (2:34 am), the (OOBn) Moon will make a waxing air trine to Pluto.  The waxing trine is the next aspect in sequence following the crisis of action square.  Time to reflect on any recent actions taken and how they are developing.  Coming at these times in the night, most will probably sleep through these last two aspects.  If so, be sure to note any dreams, insights, feelings, or other sensations you had in the night or on waking as they may offer guidance on what you should do or focus on today.


02/06/25 – 6:16 pm – decelerating (OOBn) Moon conjunct Jupiter

This is their first conjunction since Jupiter stationed direct.  Jupiter is still at 11 Gemini, the degree He stationed at two days ago, so He is at His strongest.  Is this a “go big or go home” aspect?  Possibly, however, Mars, God of War and action personified, is still retrograde, though slowing down and gaining strength; and out-of-bounds north.  Any “big” plans to start something new need to be well planned, thought out, and executed with caution.


02/07/25 – 4:14 am – shadow Venus waxing sextile Pluto

This is the first of five exact major (four by the Moon) and two inconjunct/quincunx aspects today, so the day may feel a bit off to some.  The waxing sextile is their first aspect since their conjunction on December 7, 2024.  Did you start something new around that date that you haven’t finished?  If so, how is it doing?  Is this a longer term project or did you set it aside or forget about it?  Things may seem to be coming at you in rapid succession as there will be five aspects by 8 am and then a break until this evening.

About 3 1/2 hours earlier (12:44 am), the Sun made a waning inconjunct/quincunx to (OOBn) retrograde Mars.  Did something wake you early?  If so, note what it was, the time and as much detail as possible.  The inconjunct/quincunx (150 degree) aspect can be uncomfortable as you may not “see” it coming.  According to ancient (early) astrologers, planets or other sensitive points that were 30 or 150 degrees apart, could not “see each other.”  This suggests that when the inconjunct/ quincunx aspect is involved, a person may not “see it coming” as the two points are in aversion (can’t see) to each other.  Thus, this aspect may give one an uncomfortable feeling or a feeling of being watched by someone or something that they can’t see.


02/07/25 – 5:11 am – decelerating (OOBn) Moon waxing air trine Mercury

This is the first of three consecutive major aspects by the Moon in less than three hours which could make for an emotional start to their day for some.

The waxing trine follows the crisis of action square.  It represents a time to pause and review any recent actions taken.  With Mercury involved, it may have to do with something you were writing, going to write, or thinking about doing.  Are things developing as you expected?  Do you need to, or should you make any adjustments before proceeding?  Is there something that you started or did yesterday that you haven’t, or you forgot to finish?  If so, that would be a good place to start today.

Just over one hour later (6:14 am), the (OOBn) Moon will make a waxing mutable crisis of action square to Saturn for the third major aspect of the day.  With Saturn involved, make sure you are adhering to all instructions and specifications.  Recheck everything before taking any action as Saturn doesn’t like mistakes.

Less than two hours later (7:57 am), the (OOBn) Moon will make a waxing air trine to the Sun for the fourth major aspect of the day.  It is still early, take time to review what you have done this morning.  Make any changes or corrections that are necessary before proceeding.  You want to be sure that whatever you have done is your very best work.  The mixed energy from this morning’s aspects should carry through the day.

The next aspect won’t be until the evening (8:15 pm), when Mercury, following in the footsteps of the Sun, will make a waning inconjunct/quincunx to (OOBn) retrograde Mars.  This can be a very dangerous combination as something you have said or will say, wrote, are or will write may come back to bite you.  Spellcheck, reread, grammar check, everything you write, text, plan to post or have posted for any errors, omissions, or that might be misunderstood.  If you find an error or whatever in something you have done, fix it!  If you can’t fix it tonight, then plan how you will fix it tomorrow.

 This also goes for conversations.  Engage your brain before speaking.  Think, rethink, then ask yourself, might the person I am talking with misunderstand me?  Am I sure that I heard what I think I heard?  Avoid making long or complex statements as they may be more easily misunderstood.  To quote Abraham Lincoln; “It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.”


02/07/25 – 11:52 pm – decelerating (OOBn) Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a waxing mutable crisis of action square to Neptune, the fifth and final aspect of the day, the Moon goes void-of-course for just over three hours.  Coming this late, it should not be that difficult to avoid starting anything new, at least until after the Moon enters Her home sign of Cancer.  This “action” could be about something you did this evening or about something you are planning on doing tomorrow.  For anything you are contemplating, you might want to sleep on it and wait till tomorrow morning to decide.  Be sure to note any dreams, insights, feelings, or other sensations that you might have.


02/08/25 – 3:04 am – decelerating (OOBn) Moon enters Cancer

Now in Her cardinal water Cancer home, the Moon should be at Her strongest.  Some may find themselves thinking more about their home, family, what they have or what they want in the future.  Take time to nurture and pamper yourself.  Proclaim that you love yourself.  If you are looking for love, then you need to start with yourself.  If you truly love yourself, then you will attract love into your life.

 Just over four hours later (7:08 am), the Moon will make a waxing inconjunct/ quincunx to Pluto.  Don’t let Pluto’s dark side confuse you.  He wants what is best for you, but He also expects you to want it too.  The challenge comes when you don’t or aren’t sure.  You may want to take some time to reflect on yourself; who are you, what do you want for yourself, what do you expect from yourself?


02/08/25 – 8:28 am – decelerating (OOBn) Moon waxing cardinal square shadow Venus

This is the last aspect today and so this crisis of action square sets the tone for the next several hours.  With Venus involved and, in Her shadow, meaning She will appear to cross this same degree of the zodiac two more times before this is finished, you may want to find some time to consider your own “shadow.”  Perhaps this aspect is about finding and integrating any hidden or “missing” aspects of yourself.  Whatever action you decide to take, know that it may come back to you again and again as Venus begins, then completes Her retrograde dance.


02/09/25 – 4:08 am – Mercury Superior Conjunction Sun

This conjunction is the first of five exact major and two inconjunct/quincunx aspects today and the only one not involving a water sign.  The six aspects involving a water sign all involve cardinal water Cancer, five of them by the Moon making this a potentially very emotional day for many.  This conjunction occurs when Mercury is in direct motion and on the far side of the Sun, placing the Sun exactly between Mercury and the Earth.  It can be thought of as more like a “full Moon,” as it is the midpoint in the current Mercury-Sun cycle which began with their Inferior Conjunction, when retrograde Mercury passed between the Sun and the Earth, on December 5, 2024.  This conjunction is at almost 21 degrees, to be exact it is at 20 Aquarius 59’ 35”, the end of the 21st degree of Aquarius, 0 degrees being the first degree of Aquarius.  The Sabian Symbol for the 21st degree of Aquarius is “A woman disappointed and disillusioned.”  This may be more relevant for women and in response to recent events, and the undoing of what past generations of women fought and died to achieve?  For others, it may be about something more personal that is going on in their life at this time.  Sometimes, we encounter obstacles to what we want in life, and it may seem that we have to go back two steps before we can move forward again.  This symbol seems to be saying, face your challenges, “Take heart.  Have faith.  Believe in yourself.” and you will overcome this as you have in the past and will again in the future.  Challenges are part of life.  They provide learning opportunities for us as they require effort to overcome.  That which is worth having, is worth the effort to obtain it.


02/09/25 – 5:15 am – (OOBn) retrograde Mars waxing water trine Saturn

This is the second major aspect today and the only other one not involving the Moon.  It is Sunday morning, and many will sleep through this.  If you aren’t one of them because something woke you early, note the time, what it was, and as much detail as you can about it.  If you are keeping notes of these events, you may start to see a pattern developing.  If so, what is it?  Is it time of day?  The theme or nature of the dream or event?  Or is it the time of month, when the Moon is transiting a certain point? 

The waxing trine suggests that you might want to take some time to review what you did yesterday, or even the past few days.  Did you leave something unfinished?  Is there something you should change or that needs to be fixed?  If not today, then put it at the top of your “to-do” list for Monday.


02/09/25 – 11:48 am – average (OOBn) Moon conjunct (OOBn) retrograde Mars

This is the third major aspect today and is the second of four conjunctions they will make in Cancer.  Their first was on January 13; their next one will be March 8, after Mars stations direct and both are out-of-bounds north.  Their last conjunction in Cancer, for this Mars transit, will be on April 5, when both will also be out-of-bounds north.  Are these dates significant for you?  Is there something going on in your life that connects January 13 and February 9?  If so, then expect that whatever it is, or the theme expressed may well come up again on March 8 and April 5 when next they meet in Cancer.  The more likely theme will be something involving your home, family, health, or that which is near and dear to your heart.

Just nine minutes later (11:57 am), the Moon will make a waxing water trine to Saturn for the fourth major aspect of the day.  This is the pause and review of any recent actions trine.  How are those actions developing?  Do you need to make any adjustments, or “fix” anything?  Check the facts, the instructions, and any restrictions, just to make Saturn happy and to hopefully, keep you out of trouble.

It will be over 5 1/2 hours (5:39 pm), before the next aspect, a waxing inconjunct/quincunx by the Moon to the Sun.  This may involve something very personal to you or it may have you questioning what you are doing, or what you “think” you are feeling.

Less than one hour later (6:33 pm), the Moon will make the second waxing inconjunct/quincunx of the day, this time to Mercury.  This could manifest as some confusion or inability to recall something important or perhaps make sense when you speak.  Remember to breathe and focus.  Focus on your breathing, then gradually move through the rest of your body.  Now, focus on what seems to be confusing, disrupting, or bothering you.


02/09/25 – 8:49 pm – (OOBn) average Moon waxing sextile Uranus

This is the fifth and final aspect of the day.  It is their first aspect since their conjunction on February 5.  Did you start anything new around that time or since then?  If so, how are they progressing?  Are they on track and moving forward or did you forget about them or perhaps you need to make some adjustments.  Now is the time to do it.  Then you should begin planning for what actions to take next to keep them on track.


02/10/25 – 5:49 am – average (OOBn) Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a waxing water trine to Neptune, the Moon goes void-of-course for over three hours, until entering Leo at 9:01 am.  Stick to your morning routine or whatever you had planned.  Don’t start anything new until after the Moon is in Leo.  Did you feel the shift from cardinal water to fixed fire?  Perhaps you just realized that you or things feel warmer.  Do you find that you are thinking more about yourself, your appearance, or about how others see you?  There is nothing wrong with that as it is not unusual when the Moon transits the Sun’s Leo home.


02/10/25 – 11:28 am – Mercury waning fixed square Uranus

This is the crisis of consciousness square.  You may want to shift your attention to those things that need to be completed, at least for this afternoon.  This aspect suggests looking at things with a more practical eye as you consider, can I eliminate anything?  Perhaps there is something that doesn’t add value or function to what you are working on.  If so, maybe you should delete it, remove it, or save it for another time or project.


02/10/25 – 1:21 pm – average (OOBn) Moon fixed opposition Pluto

This is the midpoint in their cycle.  Review your work, what you are ready to complete and what you might still be developing.  You know your requirements, your deadlines, and abilities.  Are they in balance?  Is there a balance between your personal and your work life?  If so, good for you.  What should you do next?  If not, what do you need to do or can you do to find that balance again?


02/10/25 – 3:36 pm – average Moon returns in-Bounds

The Moon is at 3 Leo 35’ as She returns into the bounds of the Sun.  Things may start to feel more like “normal” now, at least for you.  There may be fewer distractions taking you to the future, allowing you to focus on the present now.


02/10/25 – 5:21 pm – average Moon waxing fire trine shadow Venus

This trine involves cardinal fire Aries and fixed fire Leo.  It is the pause and review those things you may have done, or not done, today trine.  Did you overlook or forget to do or complete something today?  If so, is it something that you can do now or do you need to place it on your “do first” pile for tomorrow?  This may have something to do with your relationships, your finances, or a specific woman in your life.  The fire element represents our “spirit,” our essence, the fire that burns within and drives us forward through life.  How do you feel?  How is your “spirit”?  What can you do to nurture it, to strengthen and focus on it?  Perhaps you could make that your assignment for this evening.

02/11/25 – 5:59 am – average Moon waxing sextile Jupiter

This is the first aspect after the conjunction so you may want to start your day by focusing on newer work.  Have you done your part?  Is there something that you need to or should do next to keep things moving forward?  If so, do it this morning as things might shift this afternoon.


02/11/25 – 11:30 am – Sun waning fixed square Uranus

This is the crisis of consciousness square.  Time to get serious about getting things finished.  February is the shortest month so you may want to spend some time on older work in progress or those things that need to be completed by the end of this month.


02/11/25 – 7:39 pm – slowing Moon waxing inconjunct/quincunx Saturn

Coming at this time of day, you may want to take some time to review your day.  What you have accomplished.  What do you have to do tomorrow?  Saturn can be a stickler for details so don’t take any shortcuts.


02/12/25 – 4:26 am – slowing Moon waxing fixed square Uranus

This is the crisis of action square.  Did something wake you early?  If so, note what it was, the time, and as much detail as you can recall.  Be open to inspiration from unexpected sources today.


02/12/25 – 5:53 am – slowing Full Moon fixed opposition Sun

This Full Moon is at 24 Leo 06’ and is commonly known as the “Snow Moon,” though in some areas it may be known as the “Hunger Moon,” for rather obvious reasons.  The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “A large camel crossing the desert.”  On the opposite side is the Sun at 24 Aquarius 06’.  The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “A butterfly with the right wing more perfectly formed.”  Oppositions are about finding and maintaining balance in your life, be it at work, at home, at play, in relationships, or when alone.  Ask yourself, where am I out of balance?


The desert suggests that you may be dealing with some challenges or obstacles at this time or in the days ahead.  But like the camel, you have the knowledge, skills, and ability to overcome them.  The butterfly suggests that you may be relying too much on a particular skill or approach.  Know when to take a different approach to a situation.  One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.  If one approach doesn’t work, try something different.


02/12/25 – 11:12 am – slowing Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a fixed opposition to Mercury, they both go void-of-course.  The Moon’s will last almost six hours, until entering Virgo at 5:07 pm.  Mercury’s will last almost 41 hours.  It would be best to focus on work in progress during this time and set aside any new things until after the Moon enters Virgo.  If that isn’t possible, then proceed deliberately, follow all instructions, checking your work frequently.  Once the Moon enters Virgo, make a critical review of what you have done.  Make any changes or adjustments that might be necessary, then proceed.

A Mercury void-of-course can be much like a Mercury retrograde, except without a do over, so get it right.  Miscommunication can be a dangerous thing.  Check and recheck your work frequently.  Be sure to spell check and grammar check everything you write whether it is a long novel, play, instruction manual, decision, or a short message, or posting.  Whatever it may be, be sure that it is correct, with no errors before sending, posting, or submitting it.  When speaking with others, be a good listener.  Be sure you understand what they are saying before answering.  When speaking, be clear.  Make sure that they understand you.  Ask questions to make sure that there are no misunderstandings. 

Almost 2 3/4 hours after this opposition (1:56 pm), the Moon will make a waxing inconjunct/quincunx to Neptune.  About 4 3/4 hours after entering Virgo (9:47 pm), the Moon will make another waxing inconjunct/quincunx, this time to Pluto.  Either or both of these aspects could disrupt your plans.  Avoid distractions.  If you are having difficulty focusing, take “5.”  Clear your head.  Breathe.  Focus.  Then proceed.

Be sure to note any dreams, insights, feelings, or other sensations that may come to you during the night.


02/13/25 – 4:34 am – slowing Moon waxing inconjunct/quincunx Venus

What a way to start the day.  This is the last aspect before the opposition.  Did something wake you early?  Do you feel out of balance or just that something feels off?  You should have most of the morning to help sort things out as the next aspect isn’t until midafternoon.  Your primary focus should be on what your next actions will be.


02/13/25 – 3:10 pm – slowing Moon waxing mutable square shadow Jupiter

If you have been doing your work, then you should be ready for this crisis of action square.  Jupiter’s energy is strong as He is now in direct forward motion and gradually picking up speed.  Jupiter is making His third pass over this same area so something that you may have overlooked or set aside may come up again.  It may be that this aspect will provide the assistance or energy you need to get it finished.


02/14/25 – Happy St. Valentine’s Day Everyone!


02/14/25 – 3:14 am – slow Moon waxing sextile (OOBn) retrograde Mars

This is the first aspect after the conjunction and suggests that you take time to review any new things you have started recently to see how they are doing.  Perhaps something will come to you in a dream, “a-ha” moment, feeling or other sensation.  Whatever and however it comes to you, note as much detail as you can.  If it doesn’t make sense at first, it will later.


02/14/25 – 4:06 am – Mercury enters Pisces

The Mercury void-of-course may be over, but they may not be particularly happy in Pisces as it is the sign of their detriment.  Here, in the sign opposite their earthly Virgo home, Mercury may be at their weakest.  This may be a challenging time for some as they may have difficulty focusing on things or finding the right words to express themselves.  You could treat this like a Mercury retrograde (though you won’t get a do-over), and reread, spellcheck, grammar check, and recheck everything that you write.  You might even consider asking a trusted friend, co-worker, or family member to recheck things for you.  Pay close attention to any maintenance schedules and don’t put it off.  On the upside, Pisces is the spiritual, get closer to your divine power sign so this could be a good time to write or talk about your beliefs and feelings.


02/14/25 – 5:53 am – slow Moon mutable opposition Saturn

Mutable oppositions are great, especially if you have to make some changes or adjustments to get things back in balance.  With Saturn involved, you have to “toe the line,” dot your “i’s,” cross your “t’s,” and adhere to all the written explicit rules.


02/14/25 – 2:34 pm – slow Moon waxing earth trine Uranus

You may want to take some time this afternoon to double check any recent actions you have taken.  Make sure everything is on schedule and working as planned.  Insights, answers, or assistance may come from anywhere or anyone.

Almost seven hours later (9:20 pm) the Moon will make a waning inconjunct/ quincunx to the Sun.  Did you forget to do something today, or does it feel like you did?  Exercise and/or deep breathing can help to relieve some of the anxiety you may be feeling about now.  Note any dreams or messages that come to you.


02/15/25 – 12:36 am – slow Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a mutable opposition to Neptune, the Moon goes void-of-course for just over three hours, until entering Libra at 3:45 am.  While most will sleep through this, if you aren’t one of them, if you don’t have to, don’t start anything new until after the Moon enters Libra.  If you must start something new, be extra meticulous.  Proceed slowly, checking your work frequently.  Once the Moon is in Libra, give it one more thorough check, then you may be able to relax a bit.  However, you should give it an extra careful inspection once you think you have finished it.

Exactly 4 1/4 hours later (8:00 am), the Moon will make a waning inconjunct/ quincunx to Mercury.  This could have your ears ringing and your mind buzzing if you aren’t careful.  Check, recheck, spellcheck, grammar check, and check any distribution list to make sure that you haven’t left anyone who is supposed to receive it off and that you haven’t included anyone that you don’t want to or isn’t supposed to receive it.


02/15/25 – 8:46 am – slow Moon waning air trine Pluto

This is the pause and plan your next actions trine.  You may want to focus on older work in progress or things that need to be completed before the end of the month.  Consider, is there any part of what you are working on that isn’t essential or doesn’t add value to the final product?  If so, can it be eliminated or modified to add value or should it be removed?


02/15/25 – 6:19 pm – slow Moon cardinal opposition shadow Venus

Cardinal energy wants to “do it.”  With two opposing, though complementary signs involved, finding balance or a common ground may be more difficult.  This is the midpoint in the cycle, time to “re-balance,” to make sure that “things” that you think are ready, are truly ready to be completed and get the attention they need.

With the two grand ladies of the zodiac involved, issues with relationships or finances may come up this evening.  Pay attention.  Listen and be sure that you understand what the other person is saying, especially if they aren’t being clear to you.


02/16/25 – 2:52 am – slow Moon waxing air trine shadow Jupiter

This is the pause and review of any recent actions aspect.  Coming at this time of night, it may present as a dream, or something else that wakes you.  If so, note the time, what it was that woke you with as much detail as possible.  If its meaning isn’t clear to you, it should become clearer later, after your day starts.


02/16/25 – 2:37 pm – slow Moon waxing cardinal square (OOBn) retrograde Mars

This is the crisis of action square which normally comes before the waxing trine in the sequence of aspects.  This may provide you with the answer or clarity that you seek to understand the “message” you received in the night.  Choose your actions carefully.  Avoid hasty or impulsive decisions.

 Just under four hours later (6:30 pm), the Moon will make a waning inconjunct/ quincunx to Saturn.  This is the first aspect after the opposition and suggests that you may want to take some time to review your day.  What did you accomplish?  Are things ready to be moved along to completion or do some things need more time or work?  With Saturn involved, don’t sell yourself short.  You are good enough, smart enough, and can do this.  It may be best if you stick with your nighttime routine.  Don’t try to change it up.


02/17/25 – 2:54 am – slow Moon waxing inconjunct/quincunx Uranus

There is no major aspect until midafternoon; however, there are two quincunxes before then that just might shake up your night and your day or at least serve to keep them interesting.  Note any dreams, insights, feelings, or other sensations that may come to you during the night.  Once your day gets started, be alert for any signs that may relate to your notes.  They should provide some clues to what they are all about.

 Over 10 1/4 hours later (1:14 pm), the Moon will make a waning inconjunct/ quincunx to Neptune.  With Mr. Fuzzy Neptune involved, nothing may seem clear, at least for a couple of hours.  Keep notes about what and how you are feeling as they can help to make sense of all of it.


02/17/25 – 3:24 pm – slow Moon and Sun go Void-of-Course

Following a waning air trine by the Moon to the Sun, both will go void-of-course.  The Moon’s will last just under one hour, until entering Scorpio at 4:19 pm.  The Sun’s will last about 10 3/4 hours.  You should be able to set aside any new things until after the Moon enters Scorpio.  The Moon in Scorpio could bring up old hurts, even issues with deceased ancestors that you haven’t healed.  Scorpio tends to be deep and dark so proceed with caution.

With Sun void-of-course, you should stick with your normal routine.  Reschedule any make-overs or new self-improvement plans that you have been considering, at least until after the Sun enters Pisces tomorrow.


02/17/25 – 9:34 pm – slow Moon waning fixed square to Pluto

This is the crisis of consciousness square, a time to pare things down, to eliminate anything that isn’t needed or doesn’t add value to what you are working on.


02/18/25 – 2:07 am – Sun enters Pisces

Did you feel the shift from fixed air Aquarius to mutable water Pisces?  Coming at this time most will probably miss it.  Some may feel the shift once their day gets started but most probably won’t even notice.  Pisces people may cry at commercials of kitten, puppies, babies and such, but the sign symbolizes much more than that.  It also represents our journey to finding the divine, the higher power that surrounds us and is within each of us.  Perhaps things will feel a bit lighter, at least for the next four weeks or so, until the Sun enters cardinal fire Aries on the Spring Equinox, when things will shift again.


02/18/25 – 6:27 am – Saturn enters His Pure Progress Zone

As Saturn enters 19 Pisces 26’, He crosses the point at which He stationed retrograde June 29, 2024.  He is now in His Pure Progress Zone, that area of the zodiac that He will transit only once during His current orbit.  This period will end April 9, 2025,  when He crosses 25 Pisces 09’ 25”, the point at which He will station direct following His 2025 retrograde.  Even though Saturn seems to be saying full steam ahead, Mars is still retrograde and out-of-bounds so caution is advised as unforeseen obstacles may suddenly present themselves.  Once Mars stations direct things should ease and open up a bit, at least for a few days.


02/18/25 – 7:55 am – slow Moon waning water trine Mercury

This is the only exact major aspect today, so this energy should carry through tonight.  You should focus on older work in progress and any work with a shorter deadline, at least for today.  This is the pause and plan your next actions trine.  What do you need to do to get things finished?  Remember, February is the shortest month, and the end is rapidly approaching.

About 1 1/2 hours later (9:28 am), the slow Moon will make a waning inconjunct/ quincunx to Venus.  This could bring up unresolved issues involving a relationship and or a financial matter.  Or it could have you feeling as if there is something you did, but shouldn’t have, or were supposed to do but didn’t, regarding a relationship issue or financial situation.

About 6 1/2 hours after this (3:57 pm), the Moon will make a waxing inconjunct/quincunx to shadow Jupiter.  This is their last aspect before their opposition.  You may want to take some time to review your work to determine what is ready to be completed and what isn’t.


02/19/25 – 3:07 am – slow Moon waxing water trine (OOBn) retrograde Mars

This is the pause and review of recent actions trine; however, at this time of the night it may be about a dream or a sudden realization of something that you forgot to do or complete.  If you can’t do it now, then put it at the top of your to do list for when your day gets started.  Or it may be a reminder to review or finish your review of your work from yesterday before you start anything new today.

 All three aspects today involve water signs so this might be a somewhat more emotional day for some.  Keep your tissue handy, just in case.


02/19/25 – 7:59 am – slow Moon waning water trine Saturn

The waning trine is the pause and plan your next actions aspect.  Check your to do list for what you should do next.  Plan what and how you are going to do it.  Make sure you have everything you need to do it, then do it.


02/19/25 – 3:47 pm – slow Moon fixed opposition Uranus

When planets are in fixed signs their energies are more likely to clash as neither wants to give in or change.  If something is out of balance, it may stick out like “a sore thumb.”  If it isn’t obvious, there may not be a problem or issue at this time.


02/19/25 – 10:51 pm – slow Moon goes Out-of-Bounds South

As the Moon crosses into 25 Scorpio 28’, She once again ventures beyond the southern (lower) boundary of  the Sun.  While the south represents our past, we aren’t going that way, it can be thought of as more like “back to the future.”  However, at this time and for the next few days, things or people from our past may turn up again.  This may or may not be a problem, depending on who or what it is and your own situation.


02/20/25 – 2:06 am – slow Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a waning water trine to Neptune, the first of five exact major aspects today, the Moon goes void-of-course for almost three hours, until entering Sagittarius at 4:55 am.  Once in mutable fire Sagittarius, things may start to feel lighter, or at least less tense or dark.  All five of today’s aspects are waning or about getting things finished.  Older work in progress and those things that need to be done by the end of the month should be your top priority today.

Now in the waning or consolidating phase of the cycle, this is the pause and plan your next actions trine as you work to move things forward to completion.  With Neptune involved, note any dreams you have, including “dreams” while you are awake.  Neptune moves very slowly so this energy may carry through most of the day, so be sure to also note any daydreams you may have.


02/20/25 – 9:33 am – slow Moon waning mutable square Sun

This crisis of consciousness square, the one the previous aspect wanted you to plan for, is the second aspect of the day.  This is about consolidating what you can.  Eliminate the superfluous, anything that does not add value to the finished product or isn’t required. 

Less than one hour later (10:12 am), the Moon will make a waning sextile to Pluto for the third aspect of the day.  This is the last aspect before the conjunction.  Time to finish something so you will be ready to start something new at the conjunction.


02/20/25 – 12:13 pm – Mercury waning mutable square shadow Jupiter

This is another crisis of consciousness square and the fourth aspect of the day.  Jupiter may still be in His shadow, but He is moving forward, gaining speed and strength so you may want to try pushing the limits just a bit.  Don’t push too hard as something old (from Jupiter’s earlier two transits) may come up again.  If so, this time you will have to finish whatever it may be.  No more putting it off till later.


02/20/25 – 11:28 – pm – slow Moon waning fire trine shadow Venus

The day started with a waning trine and now ends with one.  This is the fifth and final aspect of the day.  It is Thursday night.  A productive way to end your day is to reflect on your day, what you accomplished and what you have left to accomplish and will focus on tomorrow.


02/21/25 – 4:09 am – slow (OOBs) Moon mutable opposition shadow Jupiter

The days ahead offer mostly waning aspects, perhaps to remind us that the month is almost over, and we should focus on older work in progress and things that need to be completed by the end of the month.

The opposition is the midpoint in a cycle and is the time when energies shift from waxing expansive energy to waning consolidating.  Make sure that your “ducks are in a row,” so you are ready to finish those things that need to be completed.  With the opposition to now direct naturally expansive Jupiter, there may be a tendency to go “bigger.”  Jupiter has been over this space twice already, so He should know what He is doing.  It is OK to push your limits now, just don’t forget that you do have limits.  How do you plan to complete those things that you need to by the end of the month?


02/21/25 – 6:53 am – slow (OOBs) Moon waning mutable square Mercury

This crisis of consciousness square sets the tone for your day.  Trim, cut, pare down, eliminate that which does not serve a purpose or add value to what you are working on.  Mercury symbolizes our mental acuity and ability to communicate.  Use yours to help you move your work toward completion.

About 7 1/2 hours later (2:25 pm), the Moon will make a waxing inconjunct/ quincunx to retrograde (OOBn) Mars.  Mars is still in the Moon’s home sign of Cancer.  Unfortunately, this is the sign of His “fall.”  While He may be weaker here, He may also be more prone to act out or act up, plus He is out-of-bounds north and getting ready to go direct, so He may just be setting something up that could go very wrong in the future.  Extra caution is advised as this aspect could surprise you with something you won’t see coming.


02/21/25 – 7:50 pm – accelerating (OOBs) Moon waning mutable square Saturn

This is the same aspect as this morning, a crisis of consciousness square; however, this time it involves Saturn.  Pay very close attention to the details.  You may want to take time to review what you did today and consider whether or not there is anything that you should change.  Did you take any shortcuts?  Did you “skip” any steps?  Both are no-no’s for Saturn.  Be sure you are right, then continue on.  It will be almost 17 hours before the next major aspect so this energy could hang around for a while.


02/22/25 – 2:48 am – accelerating (OOBs) Moon waning inconjunct/ quincunx Uranus

Coming at this time, some may have a disturbing dream or something else might wake them.  If you are one of them, note the time, what it was and as much detail as you can recall.  If you are fortunate and sleep through this, stay alert as some unexpected message may be coming to you.


02/22/25 – 12:38 pm – accelerating (OOBs) Moon goes Void-of-Course

It is Saturday, and following a waning mutable square to Neptune, the Moon goes void-of-course for 2 1/2 hours until entering Capricorn at 3:09 pm.  It is another crisis of consciousness square, perhaps to remind us that there is work to be finished.  Don’t start anything new until after the Moon enters Capricorn.  Once there, you can get down to business as here, in the sign of Her Detriment, the Moon can actually “get down to business,” and may not be so distracted by Her feelings and emotions


02/23/25 – 12:26 am – average (OOBs) Moon waning sextile Sun

This is their last aspect before their Pisces New Moon conjunction on the 27th.  It may be Sunday morning but that doesn’t mean you don’t have things to finish.  New Moon’s are the strongest conjunctions.  What “new thing” do you want or need to start then?  Remember, there are only 28 days in February, so what do you need to complete by then?  Then, what will you start?


02/23/25 – 8:58 am – Mercury waning water trine stationing (OOBn) Mars

The waning trine is the plan your next actions trine.  What do you need to do to keep things moving forward to completion?  It is Sunday, perhaps there is some project around your home that you have been meaning to finish.  If so, why haven’t you?  Make your plans today.  Tell someone your plan.  They then become your “accountability buddy.”  If you don’t do it, this is the person you will have to explain why you didn’t.  The next aspect is the one you are making your plans for, just saying.


02/23/25 – 9:52 am – average (OOBs) Moon waning cardinal square shadow Venus

This is another crisis of consciousness square, the one that follows the waning trine in the sequence of things.  Do you have a plan?  Good, now do it.  You don’t, too bad.  You may have to make one up on the fly as you try to finish something.

A little over 3 hours later (1:15 pm), the Moon will make a waning inconjunct/quincunx to shadow Jupiter.  This is the “I didn’t see that coming” aspect, so something small that you haven’t taken care of may suddenly “blow up” into something major.


02/23/25 – 6:00 pm – (OOBn) Mars stations Direct

Finally, after 77 days retracing His steps, Mars prepares to move forward again.  It will take Him until the night of May 1, to complete His transit through His shadow which extends from 17 Cancer 01’ to 6 Leo 10’.  Only then will He once again venture into new territory.  Things that came up during His previous transits of this area, may come up again if they haven’t been completed or resolved.  If something does come up again, make it a point to finish it this time.

At this time there are no planets retrograde creating a short period of “pure progress,” at least until Venus stations retrograde on March 1.  There should be fewer obstacles to impede one’s efforts; however, Venus is in Her shadow which may offset this to some extent.


02/23/25 – 10:32 pm – average (OOBs) Moon cardinal opposition stationary (OOBn) Mars

This is the midpoint in their current cycle and the first one with Mars direct since December 5, 2024.  Both are in signs where they are weaker, the Moon is in Her detriment in Capricorn and Mars is in His fall in Cancer.  Don’t expect anything positive or big to happen under these circumstances.  Finding and maintaining your balance may be more challenging at this time.  Fortunately, it is late, and you may just be able to sleep through most of this.  However, there will be two aspects during the night which might disturb your night’s sleep.


02/24/25 – 12:41 am – average (OOBs) Moon waning sextile Mercury

This is the last aspect before the conjunction and symbolizes a time to get things finished and make plans for what to start next.  With Mercury involved, it could be something involving writing or mental in nature, such as solving a problem.


02/24/25 – 4:10 am – average (OOBs) Moon waning sextile Saturn

Here comes another one, just like the other one (almost), but not quite as now Saturn is involved.  Alphabet time, as you need to dot your “i’s,” cross your “t’s,” and mind your P, D, Q’s.  If you aren’t going to follow instructions and do your best, then maybe you shouldn’t do it at all.  If that is the case, you might want to ask yourself, “What am I doing here?”

If something wakes you in the night, note the time, what it was, and as much detail as you can recall.  You can analyze it later, in the clear light of day.


02/24/25 – 10:14 am – accelerating (OOBs) Moon waning earth trine Uranus

It is another “plan your actions trine.”  With unpredictable Uranus involved and both in grounded earth signs, be practical.  Keep your feet firmly planted on the floor and your head out of the clouds.  You need to see clearly now so you can make the best choice based on the facts and circumstances.  You can be original but be real too.


02/24/25 – 7:28 pm – accelerating (OOBs) Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a waning sextile to Neptune, the Moon goes void-of-course for over two hours, entering Aquarius at 9:40 pm.  The day is winding down for this get things finished aspect.  If you are still working, find something that you can finish.  It should give you a sense of accomplishment which will be good for your psyche, particularly as you prepare for tomorrow.


02/25/25 – 2:33 am – accelerating (OOBs) Moon fixed air conjunction Pluto

This conjunction is at 2 Aquarius 47’.  The Sabian Symbol for this degree is ”A deserter from the Navy stands suddenly aware of a dawning truth:  freedom is never the result of compromise.”  This suggests a time to stop and realize the consequences of one’s actions.  Transformation is a keyword often used to describe Pluto.  But transformation from what to what?  It is rarely explained.  Pluto expects us to become the very best version of ourselves that we can be, the person that we were born to be.  Picture the best version of you that you can imagine.  Now, plan your first step to becoming that person.  Of course, at this time of night, the question and answer may come in a dream.  Be sure to note as much about your dream as you can recall, including, if it woke you, the time.  Yes, this aspect repeats every month so you now have a time frame for completing your first action to become.  Next month, you can take another action toward becoming.


02/25/25 – 4:02 am – Mercury mutable water conjunction Saturn

It is another conjunction, a new beginning.  What do you want or need to start now?  With this pair, you should create a solid plan with a clear idea of how to achieve it.  It should be realistic, something that you can actually achieve within a reasonable timeframe.  In this case, by April 20, 2026, the date of their next conjunction, when it will be time to start something new.

Just nine minutes later, the Moon, now at 3 Aquarius 44’, returns in bounds.  Some may feel a sense of relief as there should be less emphasis on people and things from their past.


02/25/25 – 3:54 pm – accelerating Moon waning sextile shadow Venus

This is their last aspect before their conjunction on March 1, 2025, shortly after Venus stations retrograde.  What do you have that you need to complete before the end of the month?  That should be your primary focus for the next four days.


02/25/25 – 6:33 pm – fast Moon waning air trine shadow Jupiter

This is the pause and plan your next actions trine.  Continue to focus on older or any work that needs to be completed by the end of the month.


02/26/25 – 3:03 am – fast Moon waning inconjunct/quincunx (OOBn) Mars

Coming in the night, this probably won’t be an easy aspect as something may disturb your sleep.  If so, note the time and as much detail as possible.  If not apparent, its significance should become clear shortly.  Any feeling of discomfort or unease may last for several hours as there won’t be a major aspect until this afternoon.


02/26/25 – 2:04 pm – fast Moon goes Void-of-Course

Following a waning fixed crisis of consciousness  square to Uranus, the Moon goes void-of-course for almost 11 hours, entering Pisces at 12:46 am tomorrow.  Time to put any plans you made yesterday into action.  With the long void-of-course, focus on things that need to be completed this month and set aside any new things that can wait until March.  If you have any new things that can’t wait, proceed with caution.  Be deliberate.  Check your work frequently.  As soon as you can, set it aside and get back to your other work, that is anything that needs to be completed this month.


02/27/25 – 1:38 am – Mercury waning sextile Uranus

This is the focus on finishing things aspect.  Coming in the night, note any dreams, insights, feelings or other sensations that wake you.  Record the time and what it was.  Did it wake you?  What did you feel?  Whatever it was, it may provide answers to a problem you may be having, and/or it may “show you the way.”  Expect the unexpected.  Don’t be afraid to step outside your box.


02/27/25 – 4:45 pm – fast New Moon mutable water conjunction Sun

This New Moon is at 9 Pisces 41’.  Where does this fall in your chart?  The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “An aviator in the clouds.”  You need to rise above any apparent obstacle and stay focused on your “mission.”  You know what is expected of you, and what you have to do today.  As a conjunction, this is also about starting something new.  What might that “new thing” be?  Is it something related to work or something for you, or for a special someone?  Best get to it as you are running out of time.


02/27/25 – 8:54 pm – fast Moon waning mutable square shadow Jupiter

This is the consolidate, eliminate, pare things down crisis of consciousness square.  With Jupiter still in their shadow, this could be about something that you did previously that needs to be redone or finished.  Or perhaps it is about something you forgot to do.


02/28/25 – 4:57 am – fast Moon waning water trine (OOBn) shadow Mars

This is the plan your actions for today trine; or if you have already made your plans, you may want to take a few minutes to review them and make any changes you feel are necessary.


02/28/25 – 10:09 am – Moon Wobble Begins

The Sun is now 17 degrees behind the North Node.  Moon Wobble occurs when the Sun is either squaring or conjuncting one of the nodes.  At 17 degrees from the Sun, points come “under the beams,” that is they are now so close to the Sun that they can no longer be easily seen as they become lost in the Sun’s glare.  During periods of Moon Wobble, natural and manmade disasters may be more common and more violent.  Stay alert, be aware of your surroundings, and watch out for the other guy, the one who causes accidents.  This period should last about 5 weeks, so extra caution is the word, at least until then.


02/28/25 – 10:42 am – fast Moon mutable water conjunction Saturn

This is the beginning of a new Moon Saturn cycle.  The Moon understands Saturn’s need for structure, organization, and discipline.  Whatever you choose to start at this time, be sure it is something that Saturn can get behind 100 percent.


02/28/25 – 3:32 pm – fast Moon waning sextile Uranus

This is their last aspect before their conjunction.  It is also the last, get it finished aspect of February.  If you still have stuff that you need to complete this month, make a priority list, then start at the top, finish it, then move on to the next item on your list.


02/28/25 – 8:19 pm – fast Moon mutable water conjunction Mercury

This is the last aspect of February and offers an opportunity to get a head start on any new things to do in March.  This could be very helpful for any projects that  involve writing or thinking, such as solving a problem.  Perhaps it is something that you started before and then set aside.  If so, this could be a good time to “restart” it.


02/28/25 – 11:59 pm – Mercury enters Their Shadow

As Mercury crosses 26 Pisces 49’ 36”, they enter their shadow, beginning the first phase of their coming retrograde.  Mercury will station retrograde late on March 14, at 9 Aries 35’ 20”, and will retrace their steps back to 29 Pisces 49’ 36” where they will station direct in the early morning of April 7.  Those with planets or other sensitive points between these two points are most likely to feel the energy of this the strongest.  Choose your words carefully.  Reread, spell check and grammar check everything before sending or posting.  Reread all contracts and anything else that you must sign before signing it.  Be sure that you aren’t “paying for someone else’s mistake.” 


Forecast for March 2025

There is an old expression that “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.”  That just might prove to be true as March begins with a short Moon void-of-course followed by Venus stationing retrograde after which She almost immediately conjuncts the Moon.  On the 2nd, Mercury will conjunct Neptune, then go void-of-course followed by the Sun squaring Jupiter.  On the 3rd, Mercury enters Aries followed on the 4th by the Moon making three sextiles and a conjunction.   On the 5th there will be five exact major aspects, followed by three on the 6th and on the 7th.  There will be three more aspects on the 8th, four on the 9th and just two on the 10th.

The 11th may just kick things up a notch as there will be two exact major and three quincunx aspects.  On the 12th the Sun will conjunct Saturn after which there will be three quincunxes.  On the 13th there will be four aspects, the last of which will be a Full Moon Lunar Total Eclipse which should be visible throughout the US.  The 14th offers up four more aspects and ends with Mercury stationing retrograde.  The Ides of March offers up two oppositions and a trine, followed on the 16th with just one major and four quincunx aspects.  St. Patrick’s Day may keep us off balance with a square and two quincunxes.  There will be two major and two quincunx aspects on the 18th followed by 6 exact major aspects, including Sun conjunct Neptune, after which the Sun goes void-of-course on the 19th and then enters Aries on the 20th.


On the 22nd, there will be the Sun Venus Inferior Conjunction.  On the 24th there will be six major aspects including the Sun Mercury Inferior Conjunction and retrograde Venus going void-of-course.  On the 27th, retrograde Venus will return to Pisces and on the 28th there will be seven exact major aspects, and retrograde Mercury will go void-of-course.  The 29th will start with the Aries New Moon Solar Partial Eclipse, not visible in the US, followed by retrograde Mercury returning to Pisces.  On the 30th Neptune will step into Aries for the first time since April 7, 1875, when they left Aries for Taurus for the last time.  It seems that March may truly be “going out like a lamb” as there will be no aspects between the transiting planets on the 31st.



Astrology AstroWatch AstroWatch Transits
Jim Schultz

Jim has been a professional astrologer and Oraclist for over 15 years. As a child his favorite books were the encyclopedia and the Almanac. He continues to be intrigued by the Universe around us; always searching for answers and new questions. Should you ask, he will tell you there is no such thing as "TMI."

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16 responses to “AstroWatch”

  1. Jim Sher says:

    Pacific Daylight time is what is being used right now.

  2.' Leslee Cook says:

    I’m sorry I’m new to reading your column. I love the exact times but are you referring to PST or GMT?

  3. Jim Sher says:

    Yes, Katerina, Venus did enter Aquarius on Monday, January 2nd at 6:09pm PST.

  4.' Katerina Rellos says:

    Hi Jim, you mention Venus in Capricorn with the Cancer moon today. I have read other astrological sources which mention that Venus is now in Aquarius since January 2nd. I would appreciate you clearing up my current confusion regarding the actual Venus placement now. Thanking you in advance, Katerina Rellos

  5.' Diana Mrewinkel says:

    Re: your comment on “like kidney stones”, unfortunately not true. My father’s stones were subjected to lithotripsy back in the late 1990s. Maximum 3 treatments were permitted. His stones stood their ground. At least he was not in discomfort.
    I enjoyed this reading otherwise.

  6.' shakthi says:

    Interesting. Thank for your efforts!

  7.' Carmela Smith says:

    Thank you for your insights

  8.' Olivia Martinez says:

    It’s been a powerful Super Moon (March 9th) so far…also interesting it is so near Venus conjunct Uranus. It feels like really big things are happening on every front.

  9. James Schultz says:

    Here are the basic astrological details of His Royal Highness, Prince of Cambridge. Weight 8 lbs. 6 oz., according to news reports, the heaviest future King by birth weight in 100 years of more. Correct birth time is July 22, 2013, 4:24 pm, London, England.

    A true “cusper” with Sun 29 Cancer 58. Moon 28 Capricorn 17, which means that HRH was born less than 3 hours before the full Moon at 0 Aquarius. Birth ascendant is 27 Scorpio 10 and his birth M/C is 20 Virgo 36. He was born with 7 of the 10 primary points in Cardinal signs and 6 of them in water signs. He has a Grand Water Trine of Mars 6 Cancer and Jupiter 5 Cancer trining Saturn 5 Scorpio and trining Neptune 5 Pisces. He also has a Cardinal T-square with Mercury 13 Cancer opposing Pluto 9 Capricorn and both squaring Uranus 12 Aries. He has none of the 10 primary points in an Air sign and 3 of them are retrograde. 3 retrogrades is the second most common number, 2 being the most common. Born with Mars out-of-bounds north might he be a rather precocious child, to say the least.

  10.' Iolé says:

    What a time to be born for the new prince-princess in England!
    Leo sun, Cancer planets: care for the family = the Kingdom, Aquarius Moon- we need open minds in the future!

  11.' Dane Sullivan says:

    Hey Jim,
    Source: Astronomical Phenomena For the Year 2013, prepared by US Naval Observatory and Her Majesty’s Nautical Almanac which defines lunar eclipse time as Moon reaching centermost point of its journey thorough the shadow cast by the earth, and solar eclipses timed for maximum obscuration — typically different from time of simple conjunction. However, I note the Rosicrucian Ephemeris, citing JPL and the US Naval Observatory call it at 5:21. I’m betting there’s yet another computation out there.

  12. Jim Schultz says:

    Hi Dane, thank you for your comment. Not sure what your source for the eclipse time is. I use Solar Fire 8 for the dates and times I post. The time is based on the exact conjunction of the Sun and Moon which is 5:28 pm PDT. The NASA eclipse site shows a time of 5:26 pm PDT.

  13.' Dane Sullivan says:

    Probably just an editorial slip, but believe the May 9 eclipse doesn’t happen until 5:55 at 19 Taurus 33. Enjoy your observations!

  14.' andy says:

    “01/18/13 – 12:56 am – Mercury conjunct Sun 28 Aquarius 26”
    Sun still in Capricorn

  15.' Donna says:

    Oh boy! I am not an astrology student, however, I do enjoy reading your article every week. I have picked up the tiniest sliver of what is being discussed and from what I am able to glean, July sounds like it has the potential to be rather challenging. As a Taurus, I was happy to have read about the Mercury retrograde before it happens! I will be carefully watching my “p’s & q’s ” throughout the month and refer back to the entirety of the article – changes are a-comin’ for sure.
    Thanks for your work!

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