A Period of Intense Opposing Forces

Posted on March 29, 2011
Posted by Jim Sher


We are entering a very intense period where there are several different forces operating at the same time, creating a push/pull effect that could be quite confounding. I will be writing two articles on this period, since it is unusually complicated, but let me first explain some of the issues. Starting on Wednesday, March 30, 2011, Mercury begins its retrograde cycle. It goes retrograde at 24° of Aries and begins at 1:48pm PDT. The retrograde period ends on April 23, 2011. The first opposing archetypal force occurs at the New Moon on Sunday, April 3, 2011 at 7:32am. This New Moon has 6 planets in Aries, which is an intense need for beginning new cycles, starting new projects, and just powerfully forging ahead. And yet, this occurs while Mercury is retrograde, which inhibits the ability to do so since one is having to take whatever time is necessary to review, handle, or take care of things issues coming up at this time from the past. In addition, the New Moon of April 3, 2011 includes an opposition to Saturn which further slows things up.

Let’s start with the Mercury retrograde period. Now that this blog has been in existence for several years, the reader can be encouraged to go back and read other articles on the subject I am discussing now. To do this, just put in the appropriate terms in the “Search” box and you can find any articles on that subject. For this particular article, I suggest you do a ‘search’ using the term “Mercury Cycle” and “Mercury Retrograde.” There’s a lot of information there. To briefly describe my take on Mercury retrograde, the main thing to remember is that the period when Mercury is retrograde is actually just one part of a much larger cycle that is at least four months long and has 8 separate phases within it. The retrograde phase is the one that gets all of the attention, since it can create some very irritating problems such as communication confusion and delays, phones, computers, and other devices breaking down, and having to repair cars, trucks, and so on. So, yes, this is a time to pay close attention to details, checking important documents for problems and for making as sure as possible that all of what you have agreed to is stated accurately and the way you want it. The axiom that ‘one should measure twice and cut once,’ is particularly important when Mercury is retrograde.

I am often asked if one should put as much as possible off until Mercury goes direct. This is not advisable at all. Yes, this is not a good time to begin a new project, business or marriage. But many of us will not really be in the mood to do that anyway. One important aspect of any retrograde period is that something important is coming to an end or culmination, which means that it is actually quite important to finish things that are coming up now. Yes, one should review, look again at areas of one’s life that are highlighted at this time, but it doesn’t mean one should avoid all action. That runs counter to the purpose and value of this period. People can easily overreact to Mercury retrograde. I have begun to refer to it as the scapegoat of astrology. When things don’t work out, blame it on Mercury retrograde. It is better to remind yourself that you may have neglected something out of forgetfulness. Nevertheless, this period of time can best be handled by making the extra effort to focus on what it is necessary.

And unfortunately, in our society, it may indeed be necessary, since our society always tries to be in a state of moving forward. What Mercury retrograde is really helpful at is encouraging us to reflect, measure, introspect and go into a quiet place. It’s important to take time out, time off and imagine or move into a trance state where the repressed or forgotten aspects of our psyche have been hidden away, often just waiting for a time when it can re-emerge. The trouble is that what we need for ourselves may be difficult to achieve as the demands for us to actually do more work, can increase. But know that some of the work you do here, will again be reviewed. This can be due to missing information, inaccurate assessments, etc. In other words, the data you receive now may need to be looked at with either suspicion or openness to change, depending on your basic approach. In fact, part of what this cycle is about is discovering new information. We must be willing to challenge our assumptions, look at new ways of looking at something and be open and even eager to examine anything we need to reassess. Assume that some of your thinking may be either flawed or incomplete and seek greater understanding.

What makes this particular retrograde challenging is the fact that it is in the sign of Aries and during a New Moon in the same sign. I will speak to more of this in the next newsletter, but the urge to move forward is extremely intense right now, and it is not advisable to completely give in to that urge. If something needs to be done, then do it. But anything you do now, or even think now, will probably need to be rethought. So recognize that. Urges are just urges. Some will no doubt be inspired, but the timing for implementation may not be as soon as one hopes. Take care, and if possible find out what house this Mercury retrograde is in your chart since that can tell you what area of your life in which you will need to be especially careful.

As always, we love the replies from our readers and want to hear how you are experiencing the Mercury retrograde period yourself.

Let’s use this time period for what it’s good for.

Astrology Mercury Cycle Mercury Retrograde
Jim Sher

Jim brings over 35 years of experience as a therapist and transformational counselor to his practice of astrology, metaphysics, meditation and philosophy. He operates as a teacher and counselor and specializes in the use of discourse as a part of his teaching approach.

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11 responses to “A Period of Intense Opposing Forces”

  1. vesta2012@gmail.com' Xena313 says:

    I think the advice about reviewing all the details is a good one. This time is about producing solutions of lasting value, not just checking another box off the to do list.

  2. rosgentle@hotmail.com' Ros Gentle says:

    moving out my home of ten years on sunday! yes definitely ‘finishing’……:-)

  3. unfinishedscript@gmail.com' Emma says:

    from the young-people: you need a twitter button… and a facebook button. Thanks for the reports!

  4. carol@personalandbusinesssolutions.com' Carol Pilkington says:

    I’ve come to enjoy the retrograde periods as they allow me to go inward and get focused as well as give me permission to slow down, recharge and re-evaluate things.

  5. Times have been very challenging for me for several months, and it would be silly of me to think things will settle down soon. All this Aries energy has definitely made me feel antsy. I’m not necessarily productive, but I’ve been experiencing the urge to keep doing, even when I’m not focused. I’ve noticed that I can’t keep up with everything I want to do. I tell myself in the morning that at night I will do such and such while watching TV, but it doesn’t turn out that way. I find myself tired at night, and don’t want to do xyz. Mercury is retrograding in my 4th house. It is so totally true that my living space situation has been an issue lately and given my very limited income, my choices are not great. I can’t stop looking for work, but it does make me aware that I might have to rethink actions I take in this arena. I look forward to more of your insights for this period.

  6. missa4779@gmail.com' melissa m. says:

    Sounds Fun!
    Stuff coming to an end sounds even better cuz it has not been the best last months for me. Since Im a aries I cant wait to get it over with 😉

  7. grases2020@msn.com' Mirtha says:

    Dear Mercury,
    Treat me well during this period and I promise to control this strong and impulsive wish to take action on everything… 11th house opposing my natal Uranus grrrr…?

  8. healingmudras@gmail.com' Isabella says:

    this mercury retrograde is actually perfectly in sextile with my own natal mercury retrograde in Aquarius I ‘ll give a tough about that sextile…

    Second, mercury retrograde is also exactly conjuct with my natal venus in house 10 and indeed the exact period of the retrograde is also when I have planned a lot of time to get to think about many things and give a vacation to the business…. by the time 23rd april we will be ready to implement. isn’t it

  9. spiritdebr@gmail.com' Debra, Toronto, Canada says:

    For me it is the 8th house!….hmmmmm

  10. jamie.maresh@yahoo.com' Jamie says:

    ugh…FIRST/SECOND. I’ve always just put my head down and “rammed” through the blocks. Maybe I’ll just take a vacation and save the headaches…er…not to be punny.

  11. katfrandil@yahoo.com' Kathryn says:

    ugh…. 6th house.

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