The Coming Cardinal T-Square of 2010

Posted on July 20, 2010
Posted by Jim Sher

We are now in the beginning of the most interesting period of transits we’ve had in a very long time. It will combine many of the specific transits I’ve been writing about for the past year, but now, all of them are in play at the same time. I intend to write shorter, but more frequent articles in the next few weeks to paint a picture of how things are emerging.

There are four sub-periods worth noting and we are in the first period right now. The second period occurs between July 29-31 and the third period happens about a week later on August 6-7, 2010.

What is happening right now is that Saturn is at the end of its transit in Virgo and will enter Libra on Wednesday, July 21 at 8:09am PDST. As it does so, it immediately moves into an opposition with Jupiter and Uranus in Aries. This is what is being felt right now and will be for the next week or so, when more will develop as well.

I want to quickly summarize what I’ve presented concerning Jupiter and Uranus in Aries. It is the perfect expression of an exuberant embracing of change and, further, the desire and need for a new birth. It is a bright shining star of hope, optimism, technological advancements and unexpected appearances of things we can hardly imagine. However, as strong as this is, and it will actually weaken before it gets going again in 2011, Saturn is opposing it and has been for a year. Saturn is holding us back more now than ever right now. Saturn has us being cautious, tentative, and reluctant to risk too much. We feel the need to hold onto reserves. For example, many corporations have lots of cash to invest with, but are not doing so because of a general pessimism that investment will lead to a sufficient return. Will consumers open up their pocketbook and spend money, especially while unemployment and the uncertainty it brings is still growing? When they don’t do so, the corporations hold back on investing even more and things get even tighter. All of us see the downward spiral this set of considerations is creating.

So, let me ask you. Are you holding back? Not just about money, but about everything? Are you in some way feeling like you are on hold, waiting for something to happen or to receive some signal that you can move forward? I do know some people who are moving forward, but those who are, have been moving slowly toward something in particular for many months now. They are the ones who are now finally getting moving, albeit slowly. In other words, even the ones who are moving forward are doing so pretty slowly and only after a great deal of effort, hard work and patience. This is how we succeed when it comes to Saturn.

An example in the news today is that finally after a great deal of argument and delay, the Senate broke the filibuster and approved aid for 2.5 million unemployed Americans. This is a classic example of the Saturn opposition to Uranus. Change finally arrives after much thought, delay and arguing.

This can be a period of great frustration since we might want to move forward so badly that we can become angry that we are not able to do so. But, more often, we are apt to just feel tired and some people are telling me that they are feeling a bit hopeless. Actually, this is one of the reasons why I write this Blog. If we understand the cycle we are under and that it will end, we are more able to go with the flow, or lack thereof, and wait it out patiently. Or we adjust to the times and work patiently and do what we can do. This is what this period of time does allow us to do. Do what you can, be patient, and take what comes and work with it. The rest will have to wait until the times allow more movement. AND the good news is that…..

Very big changes are in store for us in the coming year. Its tone will be very different from what we are feeling now, such that we will hardly remember this time. But, for now, we have to deal with what we feel right now, and that can be difficult.

I’ll be writing more soon, but would love to hear from you. If you would like for me to post something anonymously, please send it to my email address and I will do so.

Hope you write in.

Astrology Jupiter Pluto Saturn Uranus
Jim Sher

Jim brings over 35 years of experience as a therapist and transformational counselor to his practice of astrology, metaphysics, meditation and philosophy. He operates as a teacher and counselor and specializes in the use of discourse as a part of his teaching approach.

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16 responses to “The Coming Cardinal T-Square of 2010”

  1.' Susan Hale says:

    Yes, this is exactly how I have been feeling, especially since the eclipses. Saturn is in my 12th house squaring my Mercury in Cancer in my ninth. I have felt like I am in the wings preparing to on stage, but it all feels delayed. The two areas that I am taking small slow steady steps towards are finding an agent/publisher for a juvenile fiction novel and a hoped for wish of getting a work permit to live in the UK. I was hoping for more action with the Jupiter and Uranus in Aries but it has all felt Saturnian. I’ve been starting to doubt myself and my plans. Especially with the Virgo influence. Saturn will move from my 12th into my 1st in October and am hoping then the new will take form and be visible. With Saturn in the 12th I feel I’ve been cleaning a very musty old closet of patterns that don’t fit anymore but it’s been slow hard work.

  2.' mary beth says:

    thanks greatly and keep posting!

  3. Hi, am a pisces with house 2 in Virgo ( rising Leo yes!) so i am vey thankful for Saturn to leave… I love uranus… i just love uranus and jupiter dancing together. and i never liked saturn but now i learned to deal with since i have conjunct saturn and jupiter in house 6 capricorn as a natal chart.. i know how to deal with stay or go…but this one was tough!!! Thank you saturn for moving out!

  4. The pressure of the containment of the oil leak in the Gulf is very much a metaphor for what I’m feeling. A lot of my energy feels contained right now, and it does lead to feeling tired. I’m also feeling Saturn insecurity. My part-time job is ending and I know I need to move on income building activities while at the same time taking care of my 88 year old mother. I don’t know how I’m going to do all of this.

    In spite of this, I have been taking small steps towards activating some of the projects I want to do. But I worry that I’ve spent time on projects that will not yield the income that I need. I guess time will tell.

    Thanks once again for your observations. I look forward to your postings over the next few weeks particularly. It’s soothing to have things clarified for me.

  5.' linda quakenbush says:

    thanks, jim for the thoughtful insights, and the care you take with your posts, they are inspirational!

  6.' Janey says:

    Oh, right, Jim, that’s what I waas thinking of, a cross. I should be able to distinguish that from a T-square! Thanks for the correction.

  7.' Maureen Cox says:

    Thanks for posting, Jim! I really enjoy reading your blog, and you captured so beautifully exactly what I’ve been feeling energetically! During these times of uncertainty it’s extremely important for us to remember that the human race has been in existence for quite some time, and with it each generation experiences it’s own set of challenges. I think with these transits, that it is important for us to handle ourselves, our intentions, and our actions with the long-term outcome in mind. Again, thank’s so much for your post!

  8.' Debra says:

    Yes it does feel quite frustrating in my world for a number of reasons although I have to say it hasn’t been just recently- 17/11/52
    The central theme in my life, recently is loss….a very dear spiritual teacher is off to a retreat in Nepal for a year, and two friends recently lost their Dad and partner respectively. On the other side of the equation, I am going to be a grandmother for the first time at the end of year.
    I am also at a stage of ending a struggle with my 28 year old son who has very much over stayed his welcome – I’m visioning how I want my life to be, however due to a bout of unemployment two years ago,and a whole other drainage of funds…I’m having to build up things, and taking a good hard look at my finances…..and where I want to put my time and energy…Lots going on….

  9.' dawna says:

    Well, after many months of patiently, organically re-inventing our work and married life together, having sold nearly eveything and moving back to northern CA, we had a period of two weeks that left us feeling exhausted for what seemed to be futility in some areas … then, we regrouped, restructured our thinking about place to live, dropping desires in favor of simplicity, and within a week we found a small apartment in the right area for continued business and personal development … found several extreme good deals for furnishings on craigslist, got a windfall gift of $ from his grandfather and made the move with ease. Although I am emotionally in and out of some dodgey places the last couple of days, I feel a little more grounded than I have for the past 15 months. We’ll see what’s in store as moments arrive. “Expectations” is a central theme for me.

  10.' Linda S. says:

    Thanks for the words of encouragement. I decided to start my own eCommerce business as an alternative after being unable to find work testing software. I have been putting everything I have into my new business, using a portion of my unemployment checks to get it started. I was so close to launching everything before having my weekly benefits unceremoniously cut off – horrible timing for me. All I needed was another few weeks to get my website and other tools up and running. Today’s vote in Congress and your post have given me hope to hang in there.

  11. Jim Sher says:

    To Janey:

    A T-square doesn’t need the 4th point, which would be in Cancer.

    In the next two weeks, Venus and Mars move towards Saturn and will conjunct in early Libra during the last week of July and the early week of August. This is still part of the T-square.

    However, on August 6th, the Moon does move into early Cancer which creates what’s often called a Cardinal Cross.

    Let’s watch and see what this brings.

  12.' Janey says:

    Hi Jim,

    With regard to the cardinal T-square, we see Saturn opposing Uranus/Jupiter and squaring Pluto, but what will be in the early degrees of Cancer to complete the square? The Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars are past that point, for now anyway.

    So will it be just the Moon coming around? Or is this the setup for next year when these faster moving planets come around again?


  13.' Deborah says:


    This is so on point. I’ve been struggling to move forward for several months and at times have felt like giving up. BUT, over the last week or so, several things have happened that give me great hope, politically, personally and in business. I’m just hanging in there and having faith that the structure that is being formed is one that I can live with for a long, long time. I hope I’m not being too idealistic, but I feel that serendipitous things are happening.

  14.' Francesca says:

    Interesting, Anandi! My birthday is 6/15/53, ten days after yours, and yes, things are indeed frustrating (assuming you mean the present circumstances, and not the way they list the date in Australia!)
    I very surprisingly lost my job of 16 years in November and barely got to the end of my first 26 weeks of unemployment when it was “cancelled” — glad to hear the news today. Saturn is JUST moving out of my 10th house. And I am reluctant to go back to what I’ve been doing for a living for the past 30 years, but seem stunted and very cautious (some may say fearful) of diving in to something completely different and yet probably much more rewarding. I don’t know if I’m waiting or wasting time… we shall see!

  15.' anandi says:

    Jim This is so true for me at the moment I couldnt believe how true your explanation of what is happening ,.
    I am a yoga and meditation teacher . My studio burned down nearly 2 years ago. Ive been teaching privately but have an urge to open another studio I have been holding back because I guess Im scared of the commitment and what happened before.
    My birth date is 5/6/53 Here in Australia we but the day first..
    Its very frustrating Will this change as we go further into this configuration.?
    Many thanks for your emails

  16.' Kathryn says:

    You hit the nail on the head for me – thank you for your blog – it came to my Inbox right when I needed it. I am thrilled with opportunities that have been presented to me – but those who presented it are so damaged after years of bad leadership that they are simply too afraid to make change (even though it is positive and they want it) quickly. I am suffering the frustration of things moving slowly. But – I will take a deep breath and just wait it out as you suggest. Glad to know it isn’t just me going crazy….. 😉 Thanks Jim –

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